Chapter 3: Attacks in the Night

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AN: This happens after the musical episode (BTW LOVED THE CHONI SCENE AND CHERYL KICKING OUT DEVIL (Penelope). Sorry, it's been awhile. Thanks for 100 reads!! Spoiler if you haven't seen the musical yet too. Written 4.30.18


We were coming back from a long night at Sweetwater River, mourning poor Midge. That's when I heard the motorcycles. They were getting closer and I knew that it wasn't the serpents bikes. They were louder and more aggressive. I stopped when I knew they were four blocks away. 

"Wha-" Cheryl began. I stepped off my bike and took off my jacket. Cheryl tried to get off too. 

"No. Stay on. You know how to ride?" I asked her.

"Uh, probably? Why? Toni what's going on?" she questioned, confused. I tossed her my jacket.

"The Ghoulies are close. You need to take my bike to the Wyrm and get help. Give them my jacket. I'll distract them. They hate Serpents, but they hate rich Northsiders more. Take my jacket and tell them I need help." I explained briefly.

"What! No. They won't believe me. Plus, I'm not leaving you." she said. I could feel the Ghoulies bikes. I took off my snake ring and gave it to her. 

"Cheryl, if you ever give one crap for me, please do this," I said, tear coming to my eyes. She nodded her head, got on my bike and drove away. In all honesty, she was hot. But I instantly turned to see twenty Ghoulies driving towards me.

"So a little serpent girl alone, eh? I guess we'll have to play a little game with you then, dear" he said. I tightened my jaw and prayed Cheryl knew where the Whyte Wyrm was.


I rode as fast as I could but my palms were sweaty. I put on Toni's ring and jacket and finally found the Wyrm. I ran inside and got a million looks. I knew none of that mattered. I found Jughead sitting with FP, Sweet Pea, and Fangs. 

"Blossom? What are you doing here? Is that Toni's jack-" Sweet Pea began before I interrupted him.

"It's Toni. She needs helps. Apparently, she heard the Ghoulies bikes? She sent me to get you." I said panicked thinking of everything they were doing to her. 

"How do we know you aren't leading us into a trap?" Jughead asked.

"It's not - I - Here! It's her ring." I said, tears forming in my eyes. All eyes widened as they looked at my hand.

"Where is she?" FP asked.

"Uh, I could lead you. I don't know the street name." I said.

"TWENTY WITH ME!" FP shouted. We got on our bikes as I tried to remember where she was. Come on, Cheryl. With everything, she has done for you it's finally time to help her. I told myself. I finally found the street she was on. My heart nearly broke as I saw what was happening. They had her tied up, a gag in her mouth. They were taking turns torturing her. The rest of Serpents rode up to them as the Ghoulies all got on their bikes and began to drive off. The next thing I heard was a gunshot.


As I heard the Serpent bikes nearly a block away I finally sighed and just let the next Ghoulie punch me. As the Ghoulies began to scatter I looked at Cheryl before a blinding pain hit my stomach. I doubled over, ears ringing. I heard Cheryl scream my name and saw FP chase after one of them. I felt Sweet Pea untie me and rush me to his bike. I felt Cheryl get on the back of Sweet Pea's bike, clutching me. I passed out once the biked roared into action. 

I woke up blinking in a hospital bed. I had an IV drip in my arm and felt Cheryl clutching my hand. I blinked a few more times before sitting up slowly. Cheryl immediately woke up and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"TOPAZ! You're awake!" she said smiling. I smiled back.

"I'm awake," I said looking around my room. She went and poured me some water before returning to her chair next to my bed. "What happened?" I asked.

"After I heroically rescued you, some Ghoulie shot you. I think FP chased him down and caught him. Sweet Pea and I hauled you to the hospital where they removed the bullet from your stomach. The doctor said it just hit you, and that it was nothing serious. It will hurt for awhile, though." she told me. I nodded along. "Oh! Let me get the Serpents. They've been waiting." she said, leaving the room. She came back with nearly all the Serpent. Cheryl went to get something to eat.

"Listen," FP said.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked like a scared little kid.

"No, not at all." FP said, "It was smart letting Cheryl come get us. And giving her your ring to signal to us that it was serious. Do you seriously trust her that much?" he asked.  I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I do," I responded, confidently.

"Ok then. As long as she apologizes for what she's done in the past, I think we can all agree to be civil with her and begin to see what you see," he said. A lot of the Serpents nodded. Cheryl, as if on cue entered the room. As made her way to my bedside, I raised an eyebrow. She took my hand a took a deep breath.

"Ok, I know I've been a total snob to Serpents in the past. And I know everything my family has done to harm you, but I'd like to apologize. I cannot reverse my families actions, but I can say I'm sorry for what they have done and stop acting hostile towards you all. It wasn't until today that I saw that all you are is a family who supports and protects one another. You are all each other have, which is more than I have right now. I - I - I - just want to-" Cheryl was interrupted.

"We understand, Cheryl. We forgive and have agreed to be civil towards you if you agree to do the same." FP said. Cheryl nodded her head and sat down next to me. The Serpents left thirty minutes later to take care of the rest of the Ghoulies who attacked me. Jughead stayed and said he was calling Betty and Veronica to come. Cheryl stayed by my bedside. I took her hand a stared into her beautiful eyes, filled with agony and pain. 

"Hey, Bombshell, what's wrong?" I playfully asked hoping to turn around the mood.

"I just don't know what I would have done if something ever - I - I can't even think about it without sobbing," she said beginning to cry. I pushed my face closer to her and cupped her cheek, pulling her into a kiss.

"Blossom, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here with you." I said, trying my best not to cry.

"I know, I'm just -" she continued to blubber. Betty, Veronica, and Jughead walked back into my room. Cheryl looked up wiping her tears.

"Oh, is this a bad time?" Veronica asked.

"No, no. Come in. I'm just gonna go freshen up in the bathroom." Cheryl said, putting on a smile. 

"Oh, okay," Betty said taking a seat on the couch near my bed. Cheryl walked into the bathroom, still sniffling and crying over our conversation. I pulled my attention to my friends, smiling.

AN: Again, sorry for the slow update. Had some writer's block, and I was waiting for the musical episode. I'm gonna throw some actual stuff in here too, but the way the storylines actually going I may not be able to. Thanks for reading!

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