Chapter 19: In the Foot

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AN: Just a filler until the next chapter. Got some stuff going on with Micheal and Toni's parents coming up so yeah.

Written 5.20.18


I woke up and looked at a naked Cheryl cuddled up to me.

I got off the bed and put on some shorts and a shirt on when she woke up.

"Going somewhere?" She asked.

"No." I told her getting back in bed. She bit her subtly.

"What?" I asked noticing.

"Nothing. Just that last night was..."She said, her voice fading off.

"Did you not like it?" I asked.

"No! God, no. It was amazing." She said, "it was worth the wait."

"I hate to ruin our morning, Blossom, but I have a Serpent meeting." I told her getting up.

"Well then, let me come. I'm a Serpent now too, remember?" She said.

"I keep forgetting." I said, "C'mon."


"Alright, alright. We all know the Ghoulies kidnapped Micheal. But I want to know what happened." Jughead said, asking Micheal to the stage.

"Why is it such a big deal to know what happened?" Cheryl asked me.

"Jughead's the king, but Mikey and I are from oldest bloodline. We'd be the next to take the throne. First Jughead and now Micheal? They want vengeance. We're looking for blood now." I told her.

"Oh." She muttered as Micheal began to talk.

"So I was leaving the Whyte Wrym when they took me. They bagged me and brought me into a car, probably a van. They never unmasked me. Three times a day they would shove a piece of bread and some cheese down my throat, followed by water." He said, "I was there sitting in a chair for a little over a week. Next thing I knew I could hear Toni in a chair next to me. After about another day I heard a gunshot, got untied by Toni, and we left. T, wanna explain what happened?"

"Sure." I said, squeezing Cheryl's hand before I walked into stage.


"So it took four days to find him. FP and I made a plan for me to distract while he got supplies. So I went in this warehouse looking for a fight. I knocked out a couple but was eventually over run. They then put me in a chair next to Mikey. He was gagged and had a blindfold on, and had headphones on and probably couldn't hear a thing. I was just tied to the chair, all senses in tact. They took turns punching me and stuff, but never did anything too bad. They mostly just verbally threatened." She said slowly.

"What'd they threaten? And why?" Jughead asked.

"They wanted us to leave, as usual. They said that if I didn't give them our weaknesses th - they'd kill..." her voice faded slowly.

"What? Who'd they threaten you with?" Jughead pressed.

"Cheryl." She finally answered, searching the crowd for my eyes. She looked at me nervously and I felt a pang of guilt.

"What happened then? How'd you escape?" Jughead pressed further.

"Well, I told them to go to hell." She said, "Then the Head dude left, leaving us with one guard. That's when FP stepped in and untied me. He attacked the guard, but the guard called for help. FP slid me a gun. I was going to untie Micheal when Penny stopped me. She said if I continued to hold out, they would kill Cheryl." She told us.

"Okay, but the stories aren't matching up." Jughead said.

"I got pissed and shot her." Toni said. "They backed off, I untied Mikey and we left."

My eyes filled with tears. She shot someone for threatening me? Was she dead?

"That - that will help. Let's meet again tomorrow same time to discuss options." Jughead said, obviously surprised by what Toni had done.

Toni walked off the stage and came towards me, but was stopped by Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"You shot her?" Sweet Pea said, clearly upset.

"She was being a bitch." Toni said.

"Yeah but still, Toni, is she still alive?" Fangs asked.

"I - I think. I hope." Toni said.

"Why though? You could go to jail, Toni!" Sweet Pea said.

"She was fucking with the wrong Topaz, okay?" Toni said and pushed them out of the way, walking over to me.

She hugged me and spoke with a softer tone.

"I'm sorry, Cher. I should have told you earlier." She said.

"It's - it's okay. But Toni, did you kill that woman?" I asked a little shocked.

"She'll be fine. I only shot her in the foot." She reassured me, "if she ever put a hand on you though..."

"What?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I'd kill every single one." Toni answered, "I'd strangle them all then cut their eyes out."

"Toni." I said with a small voice. She grabbed my hand. She opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by Jughead calling her over.

"Be back in a second." She said leaving.

"Is it bad I'm scared now?" I asked once she was out of earshot.

"No. She'd never lay a hand on you." Sweet Pea said.

"I know but just in general." I said.

"Cheryl, Toni wouldn't hurt a fly, unless she thought that fly was hurting you." Fangs reassured me. "I've never seen her actually hurt someone unless they threatened you."

"There was that one time with Quinn." Sweet Pea muttered.

"Who?" I asked.

"No one." Sweet Pea quickly said. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You know, I'm good friends with Veronica. And if your holding out, I can end you with one call." I threatened.

"Ask Toni." He said, "it's not my place to say anything."

"Fine." I said and turned to see Toni walking over to me.

"What?" She asked noticing my upset expression.

"We should talk. Can we go home?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure." She said.

We walked outside and onto her bike. She looked upset still.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked me.

"Depends." I replied holding onto her.

"Why though?" She asked.

"We'll talk at home." I told her as we sped off into the distance and to the Northside.

AN: it's a filler as I said but next chapter there's a talk about an ex and a party so that's cool. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment on what you want to see happen!

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