Chapter 13: Jumping Ships

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AN: Juice I guess coming from this chapter. I got the ideas cooking but don't know how we gonna get em on here. I'm really upset about the amount of Choni deleted scenes but hopefully they'll post them. Thanks for reading, loves! (So I wrote this before the finale so nothing with what had to do with the finale, and it won't until like chapter 16ish)

Written 5.13.18


I lay on my back for an hour unable to sleep. I could hear faint moans from the other rooms, but they died down after awhile. I felt alone. It's been awhile since I've slept alone, and I hated it. Finally once I heard Toni steady her breathing and snore faintly, I grabbed her hand. I felt it grasp mine, and I finally dozed off.

"TONI!?!" I yelled sitting up from my horrid dream. Toni immediately shot up next to me.

"Yeah? Cheryl, what's wrong?" She asked me.

"No-nothing. Just a nightmare." I told her. Tears were forming in my eyes.

"Come here." She said pulling me into a hug. We laid back down, my head resting on her collarbone.

"What's wrong?" She asked me when she felt tears rolling down my face.

"Me. I'm pathetic. I can't sleep one night without knowing your next to me. And even when you are but I'm can't feel you, I still get nightmares about being alone." I cried to her.

"Cher, you're the opposite of pathetic. I meant it when I said you're sensational." She reassured me. I slowly stopped crying.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?" I asked her.

"For bringing up Josie and for blaming you." She said.

"Why? I'm sorry for rushing you and bringing Sweet Pea up. He's irrelevant." I said.

"It's okay." She said, "but do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah. We should." I said and we both sat up.


"I don't like Joise anymore." She said.
I immediately felt guilty.

"I know, I know. It was just the heat of the moment I didn't mean it." My guilt spoke for me.

"No, no. You were right. But I wasn't staring because I was jealous. I was staring because I didn't want Josie to fall for some pig." She said.

"It's okay, Cheryl. I get it." I said, "I should've told you about all my, uh, experiences."

"I always knew it was a lot, uh no offense." She said.

"None taken." I replied.

"I guess I heard it for the first time out loud by you and was a little taken back." She said.

"You have every right to be upset." I told her.

"Your first time was really with Sweet Pea though?" She asked

"It's an experience I don't like to bring up. We were drunk and both had a bad day and it, it was just bad." I concluded.

"You said you slept with a lot of other Serpents, though." She said.

"Uh, yeah. Basically all the under aged. I hit a low point at 15 a bit after my dad left again." I confessed.

"Oh. You said 'subtract three'. Who were those three?" She brought up.

"Two people who have been dating forever." I said.

"And?" She pressed.

"Jug." I finally gave up.

"Oh. But I thought..." she began. I cut her off.

"There were some intimate moments. After Betty broke up with him. But I didn't want to be the rebound. I spent the night, but didn't 'spend the night'"I confessed.

"Oh. That explained why Betty was happy to find out we were dating." Cheryl pieced together. I chuckled.

"Wait, you and Fangs?" She quickly said (AN: I'm saying Fangs is still alive because he deserved better!!)

"Uh. Hehe. That's a funny story." I tried to divert the conversation, but she wouldn't let it go.

"Fangs liked this guy, but he was trying to pick me up. So we ended up all going back to his trailer and you know. A few drinks then one thing led to another and..." my voice faded off in embarrassment.

"That sounds, interesting." She said.

"Yeah, it was." I said and shook my head.

"You're a virgin?" I brought up abruptly. She tensed. "I don't mean to pry. Never mind. Sorry."

"No, no. It's fine. Yeah. I am. The closet I've come is with Nick St. Devil. I was luckily saved though." She admitted.

We lay together on the bed, Cheryl playing with my hand.

The sun rose quickly and we got up at around 8:30 in the morning, both exhausted. We stumbled into the kitchen to find Sweet Pea and Veronica making out. I rolled my eyes and got us breakfast as Cheryl sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Betty and Jughead entered pretty soon after, followed by Josie and Reggie. Betty pushed Veronica off Sweet Pea. I came back with a bowl of cereal for me, and some toast with Nutella and strawberries for Cheryl. Once everyone got changed again and by 11, we were all bored.

"There's a small town a little bit away, not the same one we went into last time. I'm going. Who's in?" Veronica asked.

"I'll go." Cheryl said.

"Yeah, I'm in." Betty said.

"Sure." Cheryl replied.

"Why not?" Josie said. Cheryl looked at me. I shook my head. I hated shopping in "cutsie little boutiques".

"Alright anyone else?" Veronica asked.

"No way. Brought the X-Box boys." Reggie said, "and Toni."


We all hoped into Veronica's town car when Veronica pulled out a bottle of tequila from under the seat. With Betty driving, Veronica and I took a huge swing. Josie shook her head.

"So, V, what did I hear last night?" I asked suspicious. She blushed.

"I'm joking, V. I heard the screams." I told her.

"What about you, Cher? I heard you yell Toni's name this morning." She said. I hesitated.

"I was having a nightmare." I confessed.

"Oh, about what?" Veronica asked, "You don't have to answer that.
Sorry." She quickly retracted.

"It's fine. We - we just got in a fight last night. Slept on opposite sides of the bed. I dreamt I was alone and that she left me." I admitted.

"Are you okay now?" Betty asked.

"Yeah, yeah. We talked about it. Cuddled. We're good now." I said.

"I'm glad." Josie said. "Kevin left me this voicemail last night after I explained the latest events."

*Kevin over the speaker phone*

"CHERYL! You and Toni better not break up! I've hoped off the Bughead ship, no offense Betty, and have jumped ships to Choni, my new OTP. My gaydar is never wrong."

*Voicemail ends*

I rolled my eyes. "Tell Kevin his gaydar can rest assured. We are fine."

"We're here!" Betty said and we all stepped out of the car.

AN: Love y'all so much! I'm over here watching Shannara Chronicles and My Babysitters a Vampire to get my Vanessa Morgan fix, but you know let's just ignore my obsession. Thanks for reading! Leave comments on what you want next! Also I need a good cover so if someone has a good edit/drawing of them send them in!!

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