Chapter 27: Qualifications

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AN: I feel like I have been giving Toni so much drama and not much for Cheryl so a Cheryl-Plot-line coming up soon.

Written 5.27.18


"Why do you want to get physical with someone who upsets you?" My therapist asked me.

"Cuz they're dicks." I said.

"What makes you feel this way, Toni?" She asked me.

"When they act likes dicks." I said.

"What qualifies someone as a acting like a dick?" She asked.

"When they..." I said but stopped.

"They what?" She asked me.

"When they insult or threaten Cheryl." I admitted.

"Who's Cheryl?" She asked.

"My girlfriend." I responded.

"How far has this relationship gone?" She asked me.

"I love her. She's the love of my life." I told her.

"Well, that seems reasonable. Someone threatens someone you love and you get upset." She said.

"And..." I said.

"She's the reason you're here, am I right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, she is." I replied.

"Okay, and why did she want you here?" She asked me.

"I - I don't know." I said trying to think.

"When did she suggest you come here?" She asked me.

"After the second Quinn situation." I said since I had explained it already.

"Was she possibly, scared?" She said.

"I - I - yeah. Probably. She - she flinched, once when I got up." I said,
piecing everything together.

"I - I forgot about that." I said.

"Is it your fault though?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I mean, think about it. You had every right to get upset after Quinn came back. Why are you here? Is it your fault, or Cheryl's?" She asked.

"N - no. It's my fault." I said after thinking.

"Why?" She asked me.

"I - I don't know." I replied.

"Okay, Toni, for the next session I want you to think about why you are here, and it can't be because of Cheryl." She told me.

"Okay, I guess." I said.

"We'll meet again in a week." She said.


"How was it, T?" I asked Toni as she laid down in bed next to me.

"Fine, I guess. I don't know. I've never been to a counselor." She told me.

"What'd you talk about?" I pressed.

"I - uh, would rather not say." She said, "It's nothing bad! It's just -"

"No, I get it." I interrupted, "Don't tell me about it until you are, I don't wanna say cured but..."

"Until I'm doing better." She said.

"Yeah. That." I nodded.

"How was Veronica's?" She asked me as I cuddled up to her.

"She wouldn't spill on Sweet Pea so sort of a fail." I admitted.

"We'll figure it out." She assured me.

"Didn't you go to the Wyrm after your session?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said.

"Well did you talk to Pea?" I pushed.

"He was siting with Quinn so no." She responded.

"Oh, my bad." I apologized.

"You're good, Blossom." She said as her phone went off. I saw the caller ID was Jughead and grabbed her before she could.

"Hey, so my dad just told me it's your birthday tomorrow." Jughead said through the phone.

"What!?! How did I not know this!?!" I yelled at him.

"Oh, shit Cheryl? This was meant for Toni." He said. Toni looked at me concerned.

"Whatever, Hobo. I need to talk to my girlfriend about this pressing issue." I told him and hung up the phone.

"Babe?" She asked and looked at me.

"Tomorrow's your birthday?" I asked her. She flinched.

"Damn it FP. I told him not to tell anyone." She said.

"Not even me?" I asked, a little hurt that she didn't even mention it.

"I hate my birthday. So much, Cher." She told me, "Never got a party, gifts, anything."

"Well, now you have a girlfriend and people who care about you." I said.

"Yeah, yeah. I should've mentioned it." She said.

"Damn right. We're staying up until midnight to celebrate then I'll plan something for tomorrow." I told her.

"Can't wait." She said and kissed me. I got off the bed and grabbed my computer.

"Let's watch a show to pass time." I said.

"Whatever you want, Blossom." She told me as I climbed back onto the bed and cuddled up with her.

"How about a party here?" I suggested.

"Whatever you want." She said again and kissed the top of my head.

"You're too good for me." I told her.

"No I'm not, Bombshell. I wish I could be more for you." She said.

"You are enough for me, TT." I told her.

SWEET PEA'S POV (we gonna try it out)

"No, Quinn! I'm not upsetting Toni more." I yelled at my sister.

"Why the hell not, Sweets?" She asked me.

"Don't fucking call me that." I yelled at her.

"Oh, little Sweet Pea, you don't want your little Veronica to know about -" she began but I cut her off.

"You don't want Malachi to know your back, do you?" I threatened.

"I - I thought he was okay with everything that happened.." She stuttered.

"He's a Ghoulie when are they okay?" I asked

"But - but Toni said..." she said her voice fading off.

"Yeah, they worked it out. But what did you do? You left. And I'm guessing he wants vengeance." I told her.

"But why wouldn't he get vengeance on Toni since she's the one who did it?" She asked.

"No, see, Toni has a very loyal family. Us. What do you have? Nothing." I spat, "so either do as I say, or I may have to have a little chat with him."

"What do you want, Pea?" She asked me.

"I want you to leave and never come back. I want you to never bother Toni or me again, and keep what you know, a secret." I told her.

"Fine. I'll leave tomorrow."  She said.

"No, you leave right now." I told her.

"Fine." She scoffed, "but this secret is still going to kill you. You're going to have to come clean eventually." She said stepping towards me.

"Leave." I said one last time as she grabbed her bag. I watched her get in her car and drive away.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter. Quinn is (probably) gone for good. Thank you for reading, and please leave comments  on what should happen next!

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