Chapter 29: Beanie-Wearing, Burger-Loving, Weirdo.

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AN: Like I said, beef is coming. We get to see a new side of Toni, so that's fun. Thank you all so much for reading!!

Update: Oh my lord there are 26k reads for 28 chapter that is fricking amaze balls. Thank you so much for all the support!

Written 5.29.18


Luckily the party has fizzled out so no one but Betty and Jughead saw Toni.

"What is she doing?" I asked.

"I don't know how she got it." Betty said.

Toni had a wrap on her hand that she punched the mirror with and with the other one held something that looked like a pixie stick.

"Okay. Just here." I said grabbing from her hand.

"Take this." I told them handing them the jingle-jangle.

"Heys that's mine!" Toni whined.

"I'll take care of her. You guys can crash here if you want. Try and find anymore drugs here and get rid of it." I told them as they nodded. I picked up Toni and fireman carried her upstairs to my bed.

"If I wasn't still hung up on someone I would ask for your name." Toni said, "you're kinda hot."

"Thanks." I said and put her in my bed, then climbed in next to her.

She laid down next to me but a couple feet apart. She finally looked over at me and began getting closer.

"Cher," She said. At least she recognized me. She kept moving closer and we were eventually next to each other. She looked at me hesitantly before putting her hand on my stomach.

"Toni." I responded as she cuddled up to me, which is something that never really happened. She put her head on my stomach and wrapped her arms around my hips.

"I'm sorry." She said and began to tear up.

"We'll talk when your sober." I told her.

"You. Are. Beautiful." She said.

"Yes, I know." I said.

"I love you." She told me and scrunched her nose.

"I love you too, Topaz." I replied as her eyes widened.

"You do!?!" She said and smiled like crazy. She goofily chuckled.

"That's nice." She told me and moved back away from me to the other side of the bed when her expression changed.

"Jug," She said looking at me.

"Uh, I'm not Jughead." I told her. How much jingle-jangle did she take? Do I seriously look like a beanie-wearing, hamburger obsessed weirdo to her?

"I messed up bad with Cheryl." She admitted to me.

"Still not Jughead." I reminded her.

"How do I make things right?" She asked looking at me with her gorgeous chocolate eyes.

"Well, what happened?" I asked. I knew I shouldn't since she was high but it was worth a shot, even if the information was wrong.

"I broke my promise to Cheryl." She admitted, "I said I was getting better but I guess I wasn't."

"How?" I asked her.

"I just got so mad and wanted to punch Veronica. So I punched the mirror instead." She told me.

"Why were you mad?" I asked her.

"Veronica said that she was gonna steal Cheryl from me." She said scowling.

"But, isn't she with Sweet Pea?" I wondered aloud.

"They broke up after V found out he delivered drugs. Poor Sweet Pea. He loved her but she couldn't accept him. They ended right after Cheryl dumped me. Veronica was crazy drunk I guess" Toni told me, "I guess she's mad at the Serpents for involving Pea in drug deals."

"What was the conversation between you two?" I asked hoping a high Toni could remember.

"'Cheryl and I both made the mistake of   dating Southside Scum.'" She said in a hilarious impression of Veronica.

"'I'm gonna get Cheryl back.' I told her." Toni said. She tried to remember what happened next.

"She's never gonna love someone like you, you trashy little piece of shit!'" Toni continued in her Veronica impression.

"Then?" I asked.

"She said that Cheryl would much rather date someone like her. And that she was gonna make Cheryl chose between me and her. Then she said,
'Who would want some Southside Loser when we all know Cheryl would want me?'. Then I punched the mirror. I was just so angered at Veronica." Toni explained.

"And what if she does?" I asked Toni.

"What if she does what?" Toni asked.

"If she chooses Veronica would you be mad?" I pressed.

"Yes. I would try to win her back." She told me.

"And if it that doesn't work?" I pushed farther, "would you resort to violence?"

"No. I would want Cheryl to be happy. She wouldn't like me beating up Veronica. Even if it would kill me to see Cheryl with anyone else, I would just want her to be happy for once." She said as my heart melted. She could be charming when she was high. "I'm never gonna stop loving her. All I want is to be enough, and obviously I'm not."

"You are, Toni ." I told her trying to fix the mess I had made. But it wasn't really any use.

"Thanks, Jug. But unless I can get Cheryl back I won't ever be enough." She said defeated. I wanted to hold Toni and fix my mistakes with her, but she obviously still thought I was Jughead and probably wouldn't remember any of it.

"Go run off to your girlfriend, Jughead. I can sob alone." She told me as I got out of bed.

I walked out the door and walked back in five minutes later to find a passed out Toni. I got back in bed with her and held her hand. All I wanted was us to be fixed and for all our troubles to melt away.

But when I was thinking, I thought of Veronica. Was she just drunk out of her mind or did she actually like me? The thought sent shivers down my spine because I would always chose Toni, but still didn't want to lose a friend. Why didn't Toni ever think she wasn't enough? I loved her and knew we both had flaws. She was everything I ever wanted but I just didn't know how to handle someone actually loving and caring for me.

All my fears and doubts drifted away as I fell asleep.

AN: Kind of a sweet chapter, besides the fact that Toni was high. It's kinda hard to write people getting high since I've never really experienced it before so yeah sorry if it's not actually how it is. Please leave comments on your thoughts and I hope you enjoyed!

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