Chapter 44: Twenty more than Twenty

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AN: Thank you all so much for your support for this story! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Written 6.17.18


"Wait, we cant sleep with each other the night of our wedding?" I protested.

"You can't see each other the day of your wedding!" Veronica told me.

"But I won't be able to sleep!" I yelled.

"How about at fall asleep facing opposite sides of the bed, and Micheal comes in early in the morning to get me, and he makes sure we don't look at each other?" Toni suggested.

"Seriously? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Veronica said. Toni shot her a look, "But, it will work then!"

I grinned and tightened my arm around hers as we walked arms intertwined to Pops.

"Hey! You ready Cheryl?" Betty asked as we walked in.

Betty was going to take me to my bachelorette party and Jughead was going to take Toni to hers.

We were set to get married in two days, and the parties were tonight.

"I don't wanna leave you TT!" I said and tightened my grip.

"I'll se you tonight, babe." She tried to reassure me.

"Yeah. It we're both gonna be drunk!" I complained.

"I'm sorry. But we get our entire honeymoon to ourselves." Toni reminded me.

"Which is where again?" I asked, trying to get some inside information or something about where we were going.

"Good try." She laughed, "You'll enjoy it."

"Cher, we have to go." Betty told me.

"Okay, fine. I'll see you tonight babe." I said and kissed Toni swiftly before Betty, Veronica, and I piled into Betty's car.

"Where are we going tonight?" I asked, curiously.

"Clubbing! You haven't been in forever C!" Veronica yelled.

"Josie's already there." Betty told me.

"How did I know that if I left my party up to Veronica that somehow I'd end up in a club?" I joked.

"Because there's nothing better to do in Riverdale." she told me as we laughed and took off.

"I'm not drinking all this!" I told Veronica, who suggested yet another shot.

"Betty's the DD! She'll make sure nothing happens." Veronica promised me.

"Screw it!" I yelled and downed the shot.


"I'm gonna best all your asses." Toni said.

We had setup a tournament if everyone going against Toni in pool, each betting $20 each. There were about 50 people ready to play her. But Toni was undefeated.

"If you lose a game, you have to give half the winnings to the winner. If you win a game, they cough up $20." Sweet Pea told her.

"And, it's a drink per game." Fangs said.

"You're on." She smiled and grabbed her stick.


It was always funny to watch my friends get drunk.

"Anutter bottle ov teqiwa is not *HICK* 'A surprise'" Cheryl said to Veronica.

"But yur stilllll gonna *HICK* dwink it, yeh?" Veronica slurred.

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