Chapter 24: Bartender

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AN: So many reads so thank you all. Another party goes down so that's fun. Also, someone crashes...

Written 5.25.18


"Do we have to?" Toni whine as we lay cuddling in bed.

"I told Ronnie we would come." I said.

"Because I love you, I'll go." She moped.

"Do you..."I began to say.

"Do I what?" She said when there was a pause.

"Do you think we're moving too fast." I finally said.

"Do, do you?" She asked.

"I mean it's barely been three months and we've said 'I love you', moved in, met the entire family, had sex...I don't know. I've never been in a relationship before." I admitted.

"Well, no. It's typically doesn't go this fast. But to me, it's going at the right pace." She said, "but, you know, if you think that we are, we can slow down. Mikey and I can go back to our trailer and-" she said but was cut off.

"No! No, that's not what I meant. I'm fine at the pace we're going but I just wanted to know if you're good with it." I said interrupting her.

"I'm good with anything, if it means I get to hold you every night." She told me.

I smiled and leaned up to kiss her.

"You're too good for me, Blossom." She said.

"I know." I smirked. She scoffed and kissed the top of my head. My alarm rang.

"We have to get up?" She asked.

"Unfortunately." I replied.


"Where have you been?" Veronica yelled as the girls came in.

"At our house. Cuddling." I replied.

"Making out." Toni mumbled before I slapped her shoulder.

"Whatever." Ronnie said as we went into her room.

"You two need to make the guest list." She told us. "Keep it exclusive."

I grabbed a notebook and pen from her desk and sat on her bed.

"So, us, Betty, Jughead, Josie, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Kevin..." Toni rambled.

"Uh, Kevin and Fangs ended. Either one or the other." Veronica told us.

"I told Mikey he would be here." Toni winced.

"Where is he now?" Veronica asked.

"Sleeping. No parents to control his life." Toni said.

"It's literally night." She complained. "Whatever, invite them both. Wait, is Mikey..."

"He's not ready to come out yet." Toni said.

"Like full Kevin Keller or Choni?" Veronica pressed.

"Choni." She replied.

"Aw, that's cute," V said.

"I have to take a shit." Toni said and walked into the bathroom.

"Wow, you're so polite." I said and rolled my eyes.

"So, spill. How has Choni been?" Veronica asked as Toni walked into the bathroom.

"It's been great." I gushed.

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