Chapter 12: 32

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AN: Almost 3k reads (when I'm writing this) so thank you!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Leave comments on what you want next!

Written: 5.12.18


"So who won?" Reggie asked after the fiasco.

"It's either Sweet Pea or Toni." Veronica said, "13, and both of them are pretty hot. Sorry Cheryl." She just shook her head.

"I think it's Sweet Pea. Topaz is a score." Reggie said before Josie slapped him playfully.

"Vote then. All in favor of Sweet Pea?" Veronica asked. Jughead, Reggie, Betty and Cheryl raised their hands. "Toni?" Josie and Veronica raised there hands.
"Sweet Pea takes it."

"I feel like it's more of an insult, saying that Toni is a better score than me." Sweet Pea said.

"Just ask the question." Cheryl said.

"Okay, okay. How many people have you banged? Most gets the next question." He said.

"1" both Jughead and Betty answered.

"Aw how cute and sweet. Gross. At least two dozen." Reggie responded.

"3? 4 maybe." Josie said.

"7 I think?" Veronica said.

"Losers. At least 27 that I remember." Sweet Pea said. "Beat that Topaz."

I counted. It was a lot. I'm not a slut or anything, but everyone was reduced to one gender. I had both. I looked cautiously at Cheryl, knowing the number was a lot for her to take in.

"Okay, uh how many under 24 Serpents?" I asked

"Bout 20." Sweet Pea said.

"Okay subtract like three then add about another fifteen." I said slowly.

"So, 32 ish?" Josie said. Everyone was shocked. Cheryl got up and left. I watched as she walked back into the house. I followed her inside.

"Ooh, someone's in trouble." Reggie muttered before getting slapped by Josie again.

I saw Cheryl annoyed sitting at the table when I walked in.

"Cher, I'm sorry. I should've told you." I apologized. She just shook her head. "Listen, it's a lot but none of them mattered like you do." I tried to reassure her.

"Not even Sweet Pea?" She asked. I stood stiff for a second. It was a rough topic.

"He, I - Cher you can't - I'm sorry, okay?" I tried to tell her.

"Did you even like him or anything?" She asked me, still upset.

"We, we dated for a while. It was my first relationship. It happened after the sex. We realized we were better as friends. We both came from the same situation and he was supportive of me being bi."  I said.

"What about the other 31 people? Did they just work out as friends too?" She questioned.

"Cher, I was experimenting. I was trying to tell myself I only liked guys to bring my dad back." I said, on the verge of crying. "They meant nothing. You mean everything to me." She looked at me.

"Okay, I guess." She finally responded.

"Are we good?" I asked her.

"I'm still upset but I get it. I'm sorry for judging you." She said.

"It's fine. I regret a lot, but loving you isn't one of them." I told her. She got up and walked over to me. I kissed her swiftly, grabbed her hand and we walked back out together.

"Trouble in paradise?" Jughead asked as we got back into the hot tub.

"Not at all, Jug." I told him kissing Cheryl.

"So, you're back just in time for the next question." Veronica said, "Have you ever liked someone who didn't like you back?"

"Once." I said looking over at Cheryl. "But now I'm head over heels for her." Cheryl blushed slightly.

"Never. I've always been chased." Cheryl said, smirking.

"What about that time you stalked Josie?" Reggie asked. Cheryl's eyes immediately shot to a drunk Mantle.

"Reggie, we're passed that." Josie said trying to keep the peace. My heart raced. Cheryl and I had sort of talked about her crush and how she went a little extra, but never in too much depth. It was sort of a rough topic.

Cheryl began to rise from the hot tub to probably smack him, but I put my hand on her thigh stopping her.

"I was trying to keep her away from pigs like you." Cheryl said relaxing.

"Yeah, stalking. The perfect way to-" Reggie began.

"Enough! That's enough for tonight. Make your way to your lovers dens for the night." Veronica said. I grabbed Cheryl's hand and helped her out of the hot tub as we all went back into the house.


Toni had just gotten out of the bathroom, her hair still damp. I lay on the bed staring at the gorgeous figure in front of me.

"Staring problem, Bombshell?" She playfully asked.

"Not at all." I said, not taking my eyes off her. All of a sudden we heard the bed squeaking from the next room. Toni smirked.

"Who's that?" I asked

"Sweet Pea and Veronica I think." She responded.

"Seriously, it's been a week." I said, judging. Toni climbed into bed next to me. I immediately started kissing her. I pulled her into me and bucked my hips slowly at her. She grabbed my neck and kissed back, but seemed hesitant. I tried to pull her shirt off after she won in dominance of our tongues, but she pulled out.

"Not here, not now." She told me. I was upset. Why didn't she want to take the next step? She clearly didn't hesitate with anyone else.

"So you just sleep with Sweet Pea for fun but don't want to with me?!?" I asked furiously.

"Cheryl, it's not that." She tried to calm me.

"What, afraid to defile the virgin?" I asked, still mad.

"Blossom, c'mon. That's not it and you know it." She said.

"What? What is it!?!" I yelled at her. She signed.

"I want us to wait. It's only been a month. I want it to be when we're both ready." She said.

"I'm ready Toni! What more do you want!?!" I said nearly crying.

"Cheryl. I love you but I can't." She said. I rolled my eyes and felt a tear drip down.

"So it's me." I said, crying.

"You want to talk about you? What are those looks you've been giving Josie and Reggie? I know jealousy when I see it." Toni said.

"That's not even relevant!" I told her.

"No, I think it is! Do you still like her Cheryl?" She pressed me. I couldn't think.

"Cheryl, I love you but we need to work things out before that happens." She said.

"Whatever. Good night." I said rolling around on the bed, facing opposite of Toni. She clicked off the light I heard her sigh.

"I love you, Cher." She said as she dozed off.

AN: I don't know where it's gonna go, but it's going somewhere. Thanks so much for reading!

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