Chapter 22: Ant

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AN: Stuff goes down. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading loves!

Written 5.23.18


"Keep this badge on you at all times." The receptionist told us unenthusiastically.

"Right this way ladies. And Micheal." Attorney McCoy told us. We followed her down a hallway until we stopped in front of a room.

"Are you ready, Micheal?" She asked him.

"Deadbeat dad, junkiie mom. Hell yeah I am. Toni's the only real family I've had." He said.

"Mikey, she tried to keep us afloat." Ton reminded him.

"Yeah by selling drugs." He huffed and they we entered the room. I took a deep breath and followed them.

Attorney McCoy, Micheal, and Toni all sat in the chairs and I stood by the door frame.

A disheveled women walked in the room in cuffs. She looked mid-thirties. She was the same hair as Toni without the pink streaks. Micheal had her nose, but her eyes were a light hazel. She was lighter than Toni but was about the shade of Micheal.

"Who's Little Red over here?" She asked as she sat in the chair. "Your girlfriend, Mike?"

"No." He quickly replied.

"Antoinette?" Her gaze shifted to Toni.

"Yeah. This is Cheryl..." she began.

"The damn Blossom girl?" Her mom interrupted.

"Mom!" Toni yelled and began to get up.

"It's fine." I muttered. Toni scoffed and sat back down.

"I'm happy for you, Ant." She said. Toni flinched at the name.

"Anyway, Racheal. Let's get this over with." Micheal said. Toni's mom looked hurt that Micheal used her first name.

"Mikey." Toni said trying to calm her brother down.

"What? You're more of my mom than her. She wasn't much of a mom unless you count doing and selling drugs." He spat.

"She was my mom so shut the fuck up." She told him firmly.

"I love you both." She said.

"Whatever. Sign the damn paper." He said rolling his eyes.

McCoy took the papers out and handed them to Toni's mom.

"Wait, these aren't the adoption papers." Toni said.

"Ant, I'm uh, transferring all my savings to you. To - to help with anything." She said.

"Mom." Toni began.

"No, no. It's time. I'm not getting out here any time soon." She said.

"And here's the adoption papers." McCoy said handing the papers to Toni's mom.

Once everything was signed, Micheal walked out who was followed my McCoy.

"Mikey," Toni began trying to stop him.

"It's fine. Let him go." She said. Toni motioned got me sit next to her.

I hesitantly sat down.

"Mom. This is my girlfriend, Cheryl." She said.

"Ant's always has a thing for redheads." She chuckled. "Quinn, and uh, well. I haven't met any others but yeah."

"Quinn wasn't a red head." Toni said.

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