Chapter 14: Love at its Finest

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AN: Last chapter at the Lodge thing. I stretched it out a wee bit too far but that's okay. Got some good stuff coming. Hope you enjoy (still not finale stuff).

Written 5.12.18


We walked into the lodge to the smell of barbecue. I peered outside to see Jughead and Sweet Pea cooking burgers and hotdogs on the grill. We enter the living room to find Reggie, Archie, and Toni on the coach, each with a controller in their hands and all engaged into a game.

I walked over and sat on Toni's lap. She readjusted her controller but continued to play. I kissed her neck up slowly, but she didn't budge from her game. Jughead came in and told us to come outside for dinner. They finally got up and well sat down on the picnic bench. All of a sudden Toni's phone buzzed and rang.

"Hello?" She said in between bites of her burger. She paused and listen to the caller.

"What!?!" She yelled, getting up. Another pause.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming now." She said again. She ran inside quickly and ran into our room. Everyone followed. She hung up the phone and grabbed her bag.

"What's wrong, T?" I asked her

"I - I - I have to go. I'm sorry. The - the Ghoulies. They took my brother. FP and I are going to get him back." She said hastily packing.

"I'm coming too." Jughead said.

"No, you're not." Toni said.

"Why not?" Jughead said getting upset.

"Because you're a hot head, Jug. We're just going to get him back. We are not fighting them." Toni replied.

"Fine." Jughead said.


I was heart broken for both Toni and Cheryl

"I'm going." Cheryl said. Toni's eyes met mine, tears threatening to spill.

"Cheryl, I can't have you going and getting hurt." Toni finally said.

"Toni." Cheryl said looking at Toni, eyes filled with compassion.

"I don't even know if I'm coming back, Cheryl. If something happened to you, 
I - I - I couldn't live with myself." Toni said. Tears poured down Cheryl's cheek.

"How long?" She managed to say.

"I don't know. Until we find him, I guess." Toni said, still packing.

"Please don't leave." Cheryl said. I was about to cry watching the devastating events that lay before my eyes. Toni took Cheryl and cupped her cheek with her hand, wiping away her tears.

"Cheryl, no, don't cry, okay? I love you with all my heart. I will always love you, don't forget that. I may not come ba-" Toni began, but was quickly interrupted by Cheryl.

"No, you're coming back. Come back." Cheryl said still sobbing.

"I'll be back. I promise. I love you." She said again, a single tear dropped from her eye. They kissed passionately before Toni's phone rang again. She pulled out and answered it.

"I'm on my way, FP." She said. She kissed Cheryl once more, then began to walk out. Cheryl grabbed her hand as Toni looked up, tears streaming down her face.

"I love you, don't forget that." She said before walking out. We heard the roar of her motorcycle fade into the distance as Cheryl continued to sob.

We all pulled her into a hug as she cried for hours that night. My heart broke each time Cheryl repeated, "she loves me. She's coming back. She's coming back." Before sobbing again.

We decided to leave that night, considering The previous events. I drove her home as she quietly cried. I was about to go and drop her off at Thistlehouse when I remembered what happened the last time she felt alone.

The feeling of the cold, snowy air.

The blood on Archie's hand as he broke the ice.

The deathly feeling of not hearing her breath.

Her sitting in my living room, trying to warm up.

I parked at Thistlehouse and told Cheryl to stay in the car. I grabbed something from each of her drawers and went back into the car with a bag of her cloths in my arms.

"You're staying with me at the Pembroke tonight." I told her as I started the car. She nodded in agreement, still silently tearing up, endlessly playing with the ring on her finger.

How could such a Queen Bee break down so easily?

We entered my building, Cheryl still mumbling about how Toni loves her and sat in my room. I told her to try and get some sleep. We lay in bed for what seemed to be forever, but she couldn't fall asleep.

"She left me." She finally said after an hour of silence.

"No, Cheryl, I don't think-" I began but was interrupted.

"No, everyone leaves me. Heather, Jason, and now Toni." She mumbled

Heather? I thought but didn't bring it up.

"She'll be back, C." I told her, trying to get her to calm down.

"Jason said he'd be back, or at least call. He didn't. He just died." She said, beginning to sob louder.

"Toni would never leave you. She loves you, remember?" I said, trying to say anything to calm her down.

"She loves me." She repeated.

I then remembered how she said she can't fall asleep without Toni by her side. I felt a wave of guilt and was about to cry for Cheryl and all her hardships, but I knew had to keep it together for her.

She finally closed her eyes and fell asleep. A half an hour later she woke up screaming for Toni. I prayed to God Toni would find her brother and come back.

The most amount of sleep she got that night was three hours collectively, constantly crying for Toni.

This was going to be a rough ride.

AN: A little shorter, sorry, but some interesting stuff. I low key feel bad but that's okay. Love y'all! Leave a comment on what should happen next.

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