Chapter 41: Speechless

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AN: Leave comments with suggestions!

Written 6.7.18


"Because." Toni said getting on her knee and pulling out a red velvet box, opening it to reveal our family heirloom ring.

"I want to be your wife." She said. I was speechless and shook. Was she...

"Will you marry me?" She asked me putting the ring on my ring finger.

I stood there speechless, not know how to think or act. She was actually proposing to me. She actually cared enough to make a grand proposal.

Just seconds ago, I was heartbroken but now I was happier than ever. Toni was my soulmate and my true love. Now that we both legally could, I had been thinking on of Toni was going to propose.

I still couldn't process it but I then saw Toni's face, growing with concern that I wasn't answering, but that instead I was crying and staring off at the gorgeous women that was in front of me.

Her face still has concern in it as I saw her face drop. She was so damn adorable.

She opened her mouth to speak but I interrupted her.

"I - I - YES! Of course, Toni!" I exclaimed.

Her face immediately lit up as she stood up and embraced me into a warm hug. I squeezed her as tightly as I could, holding onto my now fiancé.

She pulled out smiling and looked at me. I mirrored her actions, staring into her incredible chocolate eyes and charming smile.

"I love you." Toni said as she cupped my cheek and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. After a few seconds, everyone else barged in to the room, forcing our lips to detach.

"Congratulations!" They all yelled.

"Wait, was this all a plan?" I asked them, thinking about how I got here.

"Yep." Sweet Pea answered.

"Toni wanted to take you back where you first kissed, so the Serpents overran it." Fangs told me.

"How'd you manage to get enough Serpents?" I asked thinking about how the Serpents numbers were decreasing rapidly.

"You'd be surprised as to how much homophobic parents pay for their children to be 'fixed'" Toni said, "I told them all that there would be a huge pay day. We got all their bank, and it was a lot."

"Yeah. Like I could move to the Northside now with all my spoils." Sweet Pea said.

"But then Toni planned everything for you and to make sure today was perfect." Betty gushed.

"Then we just had to get you here." Jughead said and looked over to the propaganda playing on the projector. "Let put on a real film."


Cheryl cuddled up to me while we sat on the benches, as Jughead started a movie.

"How'd you get the ring?" She asked me, admiring it.

"Made a little trip to your Nana seeking approval. She's the one who got the idea in my head in the first place." I told her.

"Sounds like Nana." She chuckled, "I got really scared when Jughead told me you were here."

"I'm sorry. I had to make a big romantic gesture though." I argued.

"You really scared me when you said you were breaking up with me. Was it necessary to keep me upset for that long?" She told me.

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