Chapter 5: Secrets, Secrets, Secrets...

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AN: Last chapter in the hospital...big bombshells coming up so stay tuned...just trying to fit them in with how the story is going so far. I hope you enjoyed!

Written 5.3.18



As my dream faded away I found myself awake in Toni's arms. Not wanting to move, I lay there until I feel someone playing with my hair. Toni was awake and seemed to be braiding and unbraiding my hair. After another three minutes, I sat up and stared at my beautiful girlfriend. My gorgeous girlfriend, who told me (well, not me but still...) she loved me. At first, I had a slight concern that she told Veronica and not me, but I knew it would take some time for her to admit. Her being open is dangerous, since the last time she opened herself up she was hurt. I am in love with this marvelous woman, yet I could not tell her either. It was too soon, and I didn't want to scare her off like I did with so many other people. I've never felt this way, too afraid to lose her to do anything. I can't explain it, but I know how I feel. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by her raspy yet soft voice.

"Good morning, Blossom," she said. I smiled and leaned in, kissing her. As we pulled away I pulled her into a hug.

"You better never do that again," I whispered into her ear. I could feel her knit her eyebrows.

"Do what?" she whispered back. I was lost for words.

"Try and leave me." I finally said. She pulled out of the hug and cupped my check.

"I will never leave you," she said. I sighed, staring at her dazzling smile. I felt tears assembling in my eyes and butterflies in my stomach. I quickly looked away and walked into the bathroom. 

"Be back for you soon," I said, winking. 


I watched as the most magnificent figure reemerges from the bathroom. Cheryl was my everything. I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever she looks at me. 

"Your gawking, Cha-Cha," she said. I shook my head and looked away. She walked over to me and I help my breath as she walked over to me. 

"Let's go home," she said. We went back to Thislehouse since I needed an emotional support person with me. Cheryl went back to my trailer and picked up my stuff. I sat on her bed when she came back with a duffel bag and a shocked look.

"T. T., please explain to me why all of your belongings fit into this bag?" she said, almost concerned for me. 

"The rest of my stuff is scattered within the other Serpents places. Its when my uncle locks me out. I basically live with Sweet Pea." I replied, "Wait, was my Uncle home?" 

"Yeah. He wasn't too happy about me coming by. I think he either yelled at me to tell you to never come back or that you needed to rub his back." she said.

"Probably for me to never come back." I began, "I can start paying rent at Sweet Pea's and live there." 

"No way! You can live here. My mother won't bother us since I kicked her out. And Nana's in a long-term facility so it's just me. There's an extra room if you don't want to stay with me. I get it. It may be too fast. I don't want to rush but I can't have you paying rent for some, petite metal box." she said. 

"I -" I started but was quickly interrupted.

"It's fine if you don't want to. I understand. It's too fast," she said, dismissing her own idea. She got up and paced her room.

"Cher," I said. She perked her head at me, smiling.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I'd love to stay here, with you. If the offer still stands." I said. She nodded her head slowly. I got up and walked to her. 

"You shouldn't be getting up unless it's really important," she told me.

"This is really important. I need to make it to my girlfriend so I can kiss her," I said, winking. I leaned against her, so close I could feel her breath. 

"You need to get back into bed and rest," she told me.

"Make me," I said. I leaned in and kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her neck. We stood there, neither of us wanting to develop the kiss.  She finally drew out, forcing me to get back into bed. She laid with me, curled up in my arms watching Netflix on her computer. 



Toni could finally move around without wincing after about a week. I felt I had finally gotten her back. But she then started to take random trips due to "Serpent meetings", but I knew it was full of crap because I still saw Jughead at Pop's with Betty during the supposed meetings. She received phone calls that she would only take if she could slip away from me. I had a gut feeling she was cheating on me, but she told me she would never. I didn't know what to feel. One night, I confronted her when she didn't answer another anonymous call.

"If your cheating on me, at least have the decency to tell me, so I don't look like a fool." I exploded. She looked at me with hurt eyes, making me feel guilty that I had just exploded at her.

"What? Cheryl, where'd you get that idea?" she said.

"The random trips? Random calls?" I said. She looked at me, shocked.

"Cheryl," she said with a soft tone, "I - I can't tell you. Please, trust me."

"Toni - "I began, "I've told you everything, everything and you can't open up to me on this one thing?" 

"Cheryl, please," she said tears forming in her eyes. I shook my head. How could she betray me? 

"If you can't trust me, I don't know if I can trust you anymore," I said, my heart breaking. 

"I'll go if you really want me to," she said, in tears.

"I think its best," I said, blinking back tears. She walked out of my room and I finally let myself cry. What had I just done? Telling the one person who actually cared about me to leave? I regretted every moment of what happened. I finally fell asleep, tears staining my cheeks.

AN: So yeah. I'm sorry. Bombshells coming in next chapter about Toni and her past life since nothing is happening in real Riverdale. I'm super excited that Vanessa Morgan and Charles are being promoted to season regulars. More Choni and hopefully some backstory on Toni. Anyways thanks for reading! Please leave suggestions about what should happen next. Tell me what you enjoyed and what you didn't. Hope you enjoyed!

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