Chapter 39: The Sister's of Quiet Mercy

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AN: hehe...

Written 6.6.18


"SHES WHERE!" I yelled back at Jughead. I was infuriated. How and why was she captured?

"Yeah. Apparently her dad shipped her off." He said. My blood boiled. Did he even still care enough to send her off somewhere?

"I'll explain on the way let's go!" He said as I ran downstairs.

We both hopped into my car as I started it.

"Give me the rundown." I told him as I sped off.

"So, She was coming back from the Wyrm when some guys in white uniforms jumped her." He told me, "I've already called Veronica, Betty, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Kevin. They're all on their way too."

"Okey, but Toni is really fucking strong and she yells a lot. How did they take her?" I asked confused on how Toni would get captured so easily.

"Sweet Pea noticed after leaving the bar and ran after them, but they were too fast. They bagged her head and shoved her into a black van." He told me.

"Okay, but how do you know it was the Sisters of Quiet Mercy?" I asked making a sharp right.

"Pea said he license play said, 'SOQM', and that their uniforms said it too." he said.

"We can get her out, right?" I asked, paranoid that the trip would be unsuccessful.

"We'll get her out, don't worry." He reassured me as we pulled into the forrest that connected the tunnel to the outside.

I ran as fast as I could to a tunnel entrance. The entire Scooby Gang was already there.

"Why was I last one invited to the party?" I demanded, "and why the fuck would you let them get away!" I yelled at Sweet Pea, stomping towards him.

"Cheryl, it's okay. Let's just get her back." Betty said.

"This is the tunnel Toni and I ran through to get you." Veronica told me as she broke the lock.

"All of us need to go?" I asked as I saw everyone pile into the tunnel. "What if we get caught?"

"More bodies to shove people out of the way." Fangs shrugged.

"Well, someone should keep watch from the outside!" I said.

"Micheal's on his way." She told me as I realized there wasn't a lot of time before they noticed us. I turned my head as all of us ran down a grimy tunnel.

We climbed up through a pipe and finally to a staircase still in the tunnel. Sweet Pea kicked down one final door  as we all walked in and entered the main building.

We ran through numerous amounts of hallways finding absolutely no one. I tried to remember the schedule from when I had my experience here.

"It's Thursday, so it should be movie night." I told them as we made our way to the same room Toni rescued me. I sprinted faster than anyone else to the end of the hall and saw a light on, probably from the projector.

"We'll keep watch!" Veronica yelled from behind me as I entered the room alone.

But no one was in the room.

"Hello?" I asked trying to block the projector from my vision which blinding me.

"You came." A familiar voice said as a dark figure walked up to me from the back. I knew the voice, but still couldn't see her.

"Toni?" I asked as I the light finally illuminated her as she walked closer.

There she was, Toni Topaz in the flesh. But she wasn't in the hideous uniforms they made their 'patients' wear. Instead, she was in the same outfit she was wearing the night she rescued me.

Nor was she distraught about being brought here. She casually made her way to front as I turned to face her.

"What - are you okay? What happened? Where are all the others?" I asked, confused. She stood right in front of me and looked into my still confused eyes, grabbed my hand,

and dropped to one knee.

"Cheryl Majorie Blossom," She began and took my hand, kissing it swiftly,

"I'm breaking up with you." She said pulling the promise ring she gave me
off my finger.

AN: Sorry for the shorter chapter babes. But yano, CLIFFHANGER!


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