Chapter 25: Green Army Jacket

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AN: Got a lot of support on last chapter so I thought I'd update earlier than the usual. So juice. Have fun with that. Thank you all so much for all the was I reads!

Written 5.25.18


My eyes followed Toni's as Quinn entered the Pembrooke.

"Quinn, what are you doing here?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I'm here to, see everyone." She said. She had a low raspy voice.

"Toni, can we talk?" She then asked Toni. Toni swallowed hard.

"Sure." She replied. She raised an eyebrow and motioned her to enter an empty room. She grabbed my hand as she got up.

"Let's go." Toni told me. I raised and eyebrow and followed her hesitantly.

"Toni I was hoping I could talk to you alone." She said when she saw me following them in.

"Anything you would say to me, you can say to Cheryl." Toni told her and grabbed my hand. I smiled and looked at Quinn.

"I came to apologize." She finally said.

"You come now, of all times, to tell me your sorry?" Toni said stepping towards her, "after you ghosted me and left me to pick up the pieces by myself?" She was yelling now. I grabbed her hand to keep her back.

"Toni, don't." I said. She looked back at me and her expression softened.

"Little Toni Topaz going soft." Quinn scoffed, "and for some Northside Rich trash too."

Toni broke our grip and pushed her against the wall holding her by her jacket.

"Toni!" I yelled and went to get her off Quinn.

"Sor - Sorry. Let's go, Cher." Toni said releasing Quinn and grabbing my hand.

We walked into an empty room as we sat on opposite sides of the bed.

"Toni, what happened in there?" I asked her.

"Cheryl, I - I don't know. I'm sorry. She just - just brings up bad memories." Toni said, her voice breaking.

"Come here." I said wrapping her in my arms as silent tears fell down her face.

"Can we just - just sleep tonight? We can talk to - tomorrow." She cried.

"Of course. Just sleep, Toni. It's okay." I said as I tried to comfort her.




"Wake up, Ton." Cheryl said pushing me. "You have company."

I looked up and saw Sweet Pea and Quinn standing in the door way.

"Sweet Pea what the hell?" I yelled at him. He looked up with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Toni. She won't leave. She threa..." he began but was cut off.

"Shut it, Pea." She spat, "Leave."

Sweet Pea reluctantly left.

"You too, Princess." She said. Cheryl looked at me.

"It's fine, Cher. I'll be fine." I reassured her as she left the room.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You're little Red is hot." She said making my blood boil.

"What do you want?" I said again as she sat next to me on the bed.

"I want to clear the slate." She told me.

"Fine. It's clear." I said.

"No, the entire slate. Where is he?" She pressed. I rolled my eyes.

"Who?" I scoffed.

"You fucking know who." She said moving closer to me.

"He's fine. We're good now. I apologized and we agreed to move on peacefully." I replied.

"What about us?" She asked putting he hand on my thigh.

"We, are done and dead." I said moving her hand off me.

"You were my first girlfriend, Toni. I still have feelings for you." She said as she leaned in closer to me. "Don't you? I mean I can sense the tension between you and Red. Can't you?"

She leaned farther in and I could feel her breath on my lips. I pushed her away.

"All feelings were lost when I met Cheryl." I told her.

"That bitch? She'll dump you once some eye candy comes along. Maybe even me." She scoffed. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it.

"Ow, fuck." She agonized, "Let me go."

"You have no right to come back here after you left me to clean up the bloodshed you made." I spat.

"I made it? You were the one who almost killed him!" She yelled back.

"But I fixed it. What did you do? You left." I told her.

"I don't think your little girlfriend would appreciate you hurting me." She argued back. I loosened my grip, caught off by her mention of Cheryl.

"Like I said. She's hot. May have I'll see if she wants to have a little fun before I leave. She's probably getting bored with you anyways." She threatened. I was lost for words and thoughts when I punched her in her jaw, knocking her on the ground. I jumped on top of her and threatened to punch her again. The door flung open as Cheryl ran to me pushing me off Quinn.

"Toni leave her!" Cheryl shouted can trying to hold me back. Sweet Pea barged in next and got Quinn and shoved her out.

"Toni." She said looking up at me.

"I'm sorry. She just gets under my skin." I tried to explain.

"Why though? What makes you so angry to do these things?" She asked.

"You, Cheryl. Someone brings up your name and I lose control." I said.

"Toni, no one if going to hurt me. Not even Penelope or Claudius ." She tried to assure me.

"Cheryl I'd fucking kill them if I didn't have you to lose." I replied. I stared into her eyes that had tears in them.

"Toni. I don't want you to hurt anyone because of me." She said.

"Don't do this please." I begged her.

"I think we need time apart." She said through tears.

AN: Whoops. My bad. Sorry if it was shorter. I just wrote chapter 32, and it is going to melt all y'all hearts. Love you guys and please leave comments on what you want next!

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