Chapter 9: 4.25.18

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AN: Thank you so much for 1k reads!! We all just gonna assume it's been a month since they've started dating to make the plot line make sense so yeah. Hope you all enjoy!!

Written 5.8.18


I lay in bed, leeched onto a sleeping Toni as I typically am. My head rested on her collarbone as a swirled my finger on her tattoo. I was a bit nervous because today marks our one month anniversary, and I didn't know if she would bring it up. I've never been in a real loving relationship with anyone, and wasn't sure what I was supposed to do on events like these. I bought her a necklace in case she did remember or do something, but I honestly wasn't banking on it. She finally woke up as I turned my head to her.

"Good morning, gorgeous." She told me.

"Morning. What's the date today?" I asked her not-so-subtly. She raised an eyebrow before saying,

"I don't know, the twenty-fourth? Twenty-fifth maybe?" I felt disappointment, but I guess couples don't do anything for one month anniversaries.

We had a blissful morning. We stayed inside all day on my bed watching some Disney show called "My Babysitter's a Vampire". At around five, Toni got up off my bed and reached for my hand.

"Wanna go to Pop's?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded. I put on something more presentable and we got on her bike . After a half an hour of riding anywhere but Pop's, in finally asked her what we were doing.

"It's a beautiful evening so I thought we'd ride around a bit." She told me. I hugged her from the bike and rested my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes. We finally came to a stop and I opened my eyes to not Pop's diner, but a decorated picnic table on the river. The table had a candle, two plates, two wine glasses and a single rose.

I looked at her in shock.

"You really thought I forgot our one month anniversary?" She asked me. I smiled and intertwined our hands before pulling her into a kiss. I heard another voice say,

"Table for two?" And looked up to see Jughead and Betty standing by the table with little waitress and waiter aprons on.

"Betty?" Toni asked the blonde.

"Jughead was probably going to mess this up so I tagged along." She told us.

"Probably for the best." Toni responded smirking.

We sat down and Jughead handed us two menus, each with three things on them.

Drinks: Cherry Cola

Entrees: Burger

Sides: Fries

We both "ordered" and as they went to get the food, Toni took my hands into her.

"I love you, Cheryl." She told me.

"I love you too, Cha-Cha. Thank you for doing this for me. I didn't think you'd remember. I didn't know if people did things for only one month" I said.

"Blossom, I feel like it's been one year. You're my one and only, how could I forget?" She said. I blushed as Betty and Jughead re-emerged with the food. After eating Bughead left us to be alone for a while.

"Bombshell, I know it's only been a month but I'd like to give you something. Since the day I checked you out at the race, to that night at the Sister, to tonight, I always knew you were special. A magnificent piece of work, but worth it. It has a been a short month, but I have enjoyed every last moment of it. I love you with all my heart and couldn't feel more blessed that you're here with me tonight. I'd like to promise you that I will always love you, no matter what happens." She said. I blushed and smiled at her. She pulled out a small, red velvet box and pulled out a rose-gold band.

"It's not much in actually worth, but you're worth a lot to me. I can't promise you much, but I can promise my love." She said putting the ring on my middle finger. "It's a promise ring in case you haven't caught on." She informed me. I rolled my eyes then examined it as she looked at me, seeking approval. I looked at her, tears forming in my eyes.

"It's gorgeous. I love it, I love you." I responded before I let the tears fall. She pulled it off my finger and showed me the inscription.

"Choni" it read with "4.25.18" next to it, the day she saved me. I put it back on my finger. I felt another tear fall to my lap.

"What's wrong, Red?" She asked me.

"Nothing. This is perfect. This night is perfect." I said. She got up and walked over to my side of the bench and grabbed my hand, wiping away my tears.

"Blossom, the only thing perfect here is you." She said. I cupped her check and kissed her softly. She pulled out and let our faces rest on each other before Jughead came back out.

"Oh, am I interrupting something? My bad." He said before Betty came running out.

"I told you to let them be! Sorry guys." She apologized.

"No need, we were just gonna go back home anyways. It's getting dark." Toni told them before slipping Betty and twenty.

"Hey! That's my money!" Jughead said.

"Uh, yeah no. Sorry." Toni said before getting on her bike. I shivered. It was a bit cold since the sun had gone down. Toni took off her sweatshirt and handed it to me, leaving her in a T-Shirt.

"Aren't You going to be cold?" I asked her, putting the jacket on.

"Guess you'll have to stay close so I don't lose heat." She said. I rolled my eyes and squeezed her ribcage.


We both stepped off my bike as Cheryl pulled me in for a hug before we went inside.

"Thank you for tonight. I love you." She told me. I felt my insides melt as I hugged her back.

"Thank you for being my everything. I love you too." I said back. We entered the house as she handed me my sweatshirt back.

"You seem to like it." I told her raising my eyebrow taking it back. She winked at me.

"Oh, it's mine now. I just need you to wear it so it smells like you. So I'll always be reminded of the only one I love." She said. I grabbed her hand and kissed her where her ring was. She admired it and quickly searched for something in her room. She came back with a necklace of a snake wrapping around cherries. I smirked.

"I got it for today but wasn't sure when, if you were at all, making your move. I was gonna save it for later but you gave me this," She said referring to her ring, "So this is for you." I smiled at her.

"I love it." I said before kissing her.

"I love you." She told me. Three words I would never get tired of hearing from her. She pulled back my hair and put on my necklace.

AN: Hope you enjoyed! Gonna include some other people in the next few chapters so stay tuned for that! More exciting things coming as well! Please comment telling me what you thought! Thanks for reading!

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