Chapter 49: Important Message

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Hi. So that was the end. I know, I'm sorry.

I know I said I was going to make this longer than 50 chapters but I just can't. If I were to go longer, it would be very boring to read.

I want to produce good writing for you and if I went more than 50 chapters, I wouldn't be doing that anymore. 

The chapters have started going down hill, and for that I am sorry. I went through a huge writers block. 

But, there will be a new story coming soon so look out for that, as well as I have already started a one shot book and would be grateful if you read that as well.

I am sorry that I couldn't continue this any longer, but I didn't want to be putting out work that I wasn't proud of. 

I hope you all can forgive me for not continuing this story, but I will tell you immediatly when I have my new book.

If you want a sequels to FFTT (Feel Free to Tremble if you didn't get it) please tell me and I'll start one if enough of you want it.

Also, 100k reads is so amazing I love you all so much

All you support has really helped me become a better writer. 

Love you all so much!

Choni: Feel Free to TrembleWhere stories live. Discover now