Chapter 42: Bridesmen

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AN: All your support is really encouraging so thank you!!

Written 6.9.18


I've decided I hate engaged couples.

For starters, Betty and Jughead are constantly giving each other heart eyes and being cute and shit like that.

On the other hand, whenever she could, Cheryl was on top of Toni and Toni's tongue was in Cheryl's mouth.

"I thought you were supposed to wait for the honeymoon for that." I said.

"That's for holy Catholic people." Cheryl mumbled before returning back to Toni.

I rolled my eyes and went back to planning their wedding.

"Jesus fuck. ITS YOUR WEDDING!" I yelled.

"Fine." Cheryl said climbing down from straddling Toni and sat on her lap.

"For starters, we need an amount of people coming." Veronica said.

"Um, 50." Toni replied.

"That's it?" I asked.

"I don't my family coming." Cheryl scoffed.

"Unless my mother gets out of prison and my dad stops being homophobic than I have Micheal and my grandpa." Toni added.

"What about the Serpents?" I asked

"Some of them yeah . If they wanna come." Toni replied.

"Then some other people I guess. But yeah, 50." Cheryl said.

"Okay. Venue?" I asked.

"Sweetwater River area." Cheryl answered. Toni nodded.

"Catering?" I asked next.

"Pops." They both said.

"Dresses? Do you have a budget?" I asked.

"I was thinking a white dress." Cheryl started, "with a splash of red."

"Whereas I'd wear something else." Toni mumbled.

"Babe." Cheryl said giving her a look.

"What?" She replied.

"It's our wedding!" Cheryl said.

"Fine. I'd wear a dress too." Toni grimaced.

"Colors would be red and pink." Cheryl said, obviously pleased that she got Toni to say she'd wear a dress.

"Bridesmaids?" I asked.

"You, Betty, Josie, and Nana Rose." Cheryl replied.

"Uh. Pea, Jug, Fangs, and Micheal." Toni said.

"Juniper and Dagwood as flower girl and ring bearer." Cheryl smiled, "and Kevin would officiate."

"Mikey'll wall me down the aisle first." Toni said.

"Nana is awaking me down the aisle second." Cheryl said after.

"Why am I here? You obviously already have everything planned." I said, confused.

"You get to set the whole thing up!" Cheryl smiled.

"Um, no way." I said.

"Pleeeasseeeeeee?" Cheryl begged.

"Fine." I conceded and rolled my eyes.

Cheryl grinned before straddling Toni again, as they processed to make out.

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