Chapter 20: Its the Life of the Party

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AN: Little bit o juice. 8k reads is so amazing, ily all so much. Hope you enjoy!

Written 5.21.18


Cheryl didn't say a word until we were upstairs.

"Cher, what's wrong?" I asked her. I sat down on the bed as she paced the floor.

"Who was Quinn?" She quickly asked me.

"She - uh - she was my ex. Why?" I asked, surprised she knew who she was.

"I was talking to Sweet Pea about you shooting Peabody. He said you haven't hurt anyone but Quinn." She said.

I sighed heavily.

"Quinn is my ex." I said, "We we're together for about a year before..."

"What?" She pressed, "Toni."

"It's something I don't like to talk about, okay?" I snapped. She backed up.

"Cheryl," I began starting to get up. She flinched.

Was she scared of me?

"Wh- what did you do?" She said firmly.

"I - I - I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Again with these trust issues?" She asked.

"Give me time at least to think!" I said.

"Fine. But you've had days to think about shooting someone, let's talk about that then." She argued.

"What's there to it?" I asked.

"You shot someone! With a gun!" She exclaimed.

"I got mad!" I defended myself.

"Toni talk to me!" She said, voice breaking.

"Cheryl, I am!" I said.

"What happened with Quinn?" She pushed.

"We dated! Okay? It ended ugly." I said.

"Sweet Pea said!" She began. I quickly cut her off.

"Quinn was Sweet Pea's sister!" I finally yelled.

"She was my first girlfriend. Sweet Pea and I broke up but I was still living with them. I slowly started to like her. We started dating." I said.

"And?" She pressed.

"And it ended, Cheryl. Okay?" I said fed up.

"Whatever. Find me when you're ready to talk." She said getting into bed.

"Cheryl." I started.

"Goodnight." She said.

"I love you, Cher." I told her.

When I didn't get a response I sighed, and closed my eyes. I lay still for a awhile before I felt Cheryl move closer to me and put her hand on my thigh. I kept my eyes closed, pretending I was asleep.

"I love you, too." She mumbled under her breath as she drifted to sleep.


Cheryl was getting ready when I woke up.

"Veronica's having a party tonight. I'm going to help set up. I - I think we need some time after last night." She said.

"Yeah, we'll talk later." I said.

"Okay...come to the party tonight. It's at Pembroke at 9." She said.

"I'll be there." I told her. She just shook her head before walking towards the door.

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