Chapter 8: Dominos or Subway?

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AN: I have some idea of what some of you want, but please continue to leave comments so I can update more!

Written 5.5.18


I was low key disappointed when we Cheryl and I had to get up from bed. But I knew Veronica needed to be with people. Cheryl called Josie and asked her to come over too. They all arrived within five minutes of each other and we sat in a circle in Cheryl's room.

"At least this sleepover won't be interrupted by my psycho mother." Cheryl said when we all sat down.

"Enough with the petty talk, ladies, let's get serious." Veronica said. Everyone was a little shocked to see Veronica happy and suggesting to play truth or dare considering she and her "being alone and sad" was the reason for us being here. Never the less, we got in a circle and began the game.

"Truth or dare, Cheryl." Veronica asked.

"Dare." Cheryl said. Veronica raised an eyebrow before looking mischievously.

"Make-out with someone in the room." Veronica said. Cheryl rolled her eyes before getting up and walking over to me, straddling me. She pressed her lips against mine as my tongue entered her mouth. My hand slipped to her back as she wrapped her arms around my neck. After quickly winning a fight for dominance, my tongue explored the inside of her mouth as I lay her back on the carpet, me on top now. After about a minute, Veronica pushed me off of her. I wiped the read lipstick from my lips.

"You owe me for that, Toni." Veronica said. "And Cheryl you could do better."

"Whatever." Cheryl said. We made it through some pretty bad dares and embarrassing truths before Veronica asked me,

"So, Toni, who's tops?" I smirked and looked over at Cheryl.

"Me." I responded as I saw Cheryl raise an eyebrow.

"Um, excuse me? I'm so a top." She quickly responded. Veronica and Josie looked at her.

"Yeah, no." Veronica said, "defiantly not." Cheryl looked bitterly at Veronica before Betty said,

"Guys, what's the big deal. I would be stoked if I had a bunk bed."  All of our eyes turned to the innocent angel.

"Dear Cousin, has no one taught you dom vs. sub?" Cheryl asked.

"Dominos is a pizza place and Subway is a sub place, how can you compare them?" She clapped back. We all sat there speechless before deciding to go to sleep.


I lay in my bed, my head on Toni's stomach. As I outlined her Serpent tattoo, I could feel her playing with my hair. I moved my head up, and looked at her before kissing her slowly. As I pulled out smiled.

"I love you, Blossom." She said.

"I love you too, Topaz" I told her before resting my head on her collarbone, breathing in her scent.

"We can leave if you want to have some alone time." I heard Veronica chirp in. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. I heard Betty chuckle before I rolled my eyes. I payed my head back on Toni's stomach and fell asleep.

I woke up with a pillow where Toni used to be. Toni was still in the room as I heard her and Ronnie talking.

"So you're actually in love with her, huh?" She asked Toni. She could almost hear Toni blushing before responding,

"Yeah, I do. I've never felt this way before with anyone. She just looks at me and I can't breathe. She melts my heart everyday. I just hope I'm enough for her." Toni said. I could feel my heart pounding. She didn't know how much she meant to me either.

"Didn't you break up for a bit?" V asked.

"Hardest 46 hours and 29 minutes of my life. Once I got the papers signed I rushed over to tell her. I was exhausted and couldn't sleep or eat at all. I missed her so much." She told Ronnie.

"Well damn Topaz. I want one of you now!" She complained. I peeked me head up and looked over at my adoring girlfriend.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Red, it's 12:04. You slept in. Everyone else left." Toni answered me. I had forgotten that I couldn't sleep in the time Toni was gone either.

"I was just leaving now." Veronica said. "Bye bitches." She walked out as Toni walked over to my bed.

"How are you this afternoon, princess?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes at my nickname and said,

"Hungry. Pop's?" She nodded her head as I got up from the bed. I looked at my wardrobe but decided on one of Toni's sweatshirts. I had secretly worn them while she was away, just to get the scent of her. She raised an eyebrow at my outfit. "What? Can I not wear it?" I asked her.

"No, no. Please do. You look great." She told me. I blushed slightly before getting on her bike.

We arrived at Pop's, hand in hand and saw Kevin and Josie sitting in a booth together. We sat behind them and heard Kevin's not so quiet whisper to Josie.

"You MUST tell the details of last night. My ship is sailing so smoothly. Just look at Cheryl!" I whipped my head around and faced Kevin.

"What about moi?" I asked.

"Nothing besides the fact that you have Toni's sweatshirt on. Choni has been going strong day one." He told me.

"Choni?" Toni asked.

"Your ship name, duh. Don't you watch TV?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I turned to face her.

"Choni, huh? I kind of like it." I said, grinning.

"Then I love it." She told me, grabbing my hands, "I love you." I blushed and looked at her.

"I love you too." I responded.

"This is more riveting than Bughead!" Kevin squealed.

"Keep it in your pants!" I told him.

"I should be telling you the same considering the make out session I heard about." Kevin quickly responded back. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Toni sipping her chocolate milkshake. I glared back at Josie.

"Sorry! He was pressuring me!" She apologized.

AN: Nothing too exciting happened but I have some ideas. Please comment! I want to know what y'all like! Thanks so much!

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