Graduation Day

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It's the day everyone had been waiting for. Tails had prepared all night for his graduation speech. He knew no one really knew him....or actually cared but it made him happy to do it for the class. He had got strait A's all throughout highschool and was graduating with honors. He had planned on going to college but had thought of better alternatives instead. He wanted to have his own flight school/ mechanic business. It would have been the first business to have both practices! He was super excited. He was going to do something great with his life....he knew it. Someone interrupted his train of thought. "You ready?!" Sonic said excitedly. "Kinda nervous actually." Tails said honestly. Sonic looked at the fox before him. He had skipped a few grades. He was a technical sophmore graduating in a senior class. Tails didn't have really any friends and with his two tails no one really spoke to him. Sonic thought he was cool and hung out with him.....even if his ego would prevent him otherwise. Sonic was the popular kid who passed his classes with a C average. Well every class except Gym. Sonic had been on the soccer team and was one of the jocks. He was excited to be out of the hell hole people called school and couldn't wait to be out there in the real world. He had not a clue what he wanted to do but he thought he would just go with what life threw at him. Sonic and Tails sat there as the principle began with speeches from the few selected students. Tails was very nervous and Sonic could tell. He padded him on the back. "Stop tensing up. You will be fine." Sonic thought he had started to have feelings for the fox but he wasn't sure. He didn't think he was gay and he definitely didn't plan on telling anyone. Tails's turn was up. The fox rised and walked up to the stage, his two tails swishing behind him. Sonic heard someone say something. "mutant." Then some giggling. Tails shook it off and continued up the stairs and onto the podium. He stared at the hundreds of graduates and parents in the crowd. Tails had been living in a foster home so he didn't expect to see anyone there. "My fellow piers I am so glad to see so many of us here on this day that will be remembered for years to come." There was total silence. Tails went on. "We have had fun times together, we have made friends, we have made enemies, we have made futures here at Greenville High. We are the future ladies and gentlemen and I am glad that I get to spend the rest of the century with you all. In a gentle way we will shake the world! We will think positive. We will never give up. I sincerely hope that all of us here we live our lives with no regrets and we will live our lives to the fullest they can be. I am honored to be standing before so many successful adults here today......and I can't wait to see you on the other side. Thank you." Tails stepped off the platform Sonic was the first to clap with many others following Suit. Tails began walking to his seat he tripped on something and fell to the ground. "Fag!" Someone said laughing. Tails got up and walked back to his seat. Sonic knew Tails got bullied but whenever Sonic tried to step in Tails got mad. So he didn't. The principle began calling names Sonic was before Tails, he went up there shaked some education people and sat down with his diploma kissing it and putting it back. "Hello world!" Sonic said with a smile. Tails laughed. Tails's name was called a few minutes later. Tails stayed a few seconds longer getting praise from every educater up on stage before returning to his seat. After about 30 minutes of more people graduating they were being shoved on to a bus for their last trip together as a class. They were going to celebrate! Tails was sitting alone on the bus. Sonic noticed. "Hey Sonic want to sit next to me?" A girl named Amy said. Everyone knew that Amy liked Sonic. Everybody thought they were perfect for each other since they were the two most popular kids in school. Sonic hesitated and looked at Tails. "I'll sit here, thanks!" Sonic sat next to Tails who was busy looking out the window thinking. "Did you see your parents before you left?" Sonic asked questioningly. Tails looked at the hedgehog embarrassed. "Uh I don't have parents." Sonic was astonished. "You don't have parents!" Tails nodded. "Who takes care of you then?" Sonic asked with pity. "I live in a foster home." He said smiling. "It's not that bad, I don't get noticed much so I get plenty of time to do what I want." Tails looked back out of the window. Sonic felt really bad for the fox. "Hey do you want to sit by me when we get to the restaurant?" Tails blushed at the question but accepted the offer quickly. "Sure! I'd love that!" Sonic sat back happy to be spending time with his friend. He had an excuse now not to sit by Amy. He layed back and closed his eyes. "Today had been a good day." He said to himself. "Yes indeed."

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