Friends or Foes

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Tails was in and out. The sound of the vehicle bouncing along the road and the sound of chattering. He remembered being lifted off the truck in a stretcher. Then he was in a home. From there he was put in a bed, it was soft and plush. He remembered seeing someone bandage him up. He blacked out again.

Tails looked across the horizon, the wave of hellfire burning whatever lay in its path. People screamed. Where was Sonic? He tried to move but couldn't. The sky an orangy yellow color. The cloud resembled a mushroom. It's top extending to the atmosphere. Tails felt the heat begin to lick his skin. The buildings pushed over like dominoes upon the ground. Trees burst into flames before turning to dust. Tails tried to move once again but were planted into the ground. He watched as the land was rose up out of its commonplace, dirt being thrown like waves in the ocean. The ring got closer.....and closer. The fire extending towards him.....

Tails jumped up breathing hard, the sweat trickling down his face like a river. He looked around the unfamiliar room. It's walls a pale white. He tried to remember what happened; The explosion, the bullets, someone saying something. He recalled the cat-like figure. He was about to get out of bed when there was a knock on the door. Tails looked around for a weapon, just in case. The door opened slowly, startling the fox. He sat up against the back of the bed. A rabbit no older then maybe fourteen came walking in. "Hi Tails it is me.... cream!" Tails remembered her from somewhere......wait.....School! "Oh my God Cream how have you been?" He said smiling. She shrugged her shoulders. "After your guy's graduation we had a nuclear threat to the government threw everyone thirteen and older into the military. Most of us became nurses or mechanics." Tails looked down. This was worst then what he thought. "What did the Mobian Council decide?" (The Mobian Council was the government body that controlled the other side of the border. It was mostly a group of intelligent Mobians who had money and good background.) Cream shook her head. "They are worried sick. If Eggman decides to shoot a nuclear Missle it won't just bring them into the war but they, the Mobian Council, are afraid that the humans will take action." Tails shook his head. That's the last thing they needed. The humans to go full out war on the Mobians, let alone the humans going to war with themselves. Tails sighed. This was supposed to be an easy bombing raid, now look at where he had gone! Tails looked out the window. The sunlight shone on the ground like a blanket of brightness. Cream walked over and sat in a chair to the right of the bed. "So how did you get here?" She said curiously. "Long story." He said thinking of all the bull shit he just had to go through. Another knock sounded at the door. This one opened the door more slowly. Revealing a purple tail. A cat. She walked over and looked at Tails. Tails didn't know who she was but she sure looked fierce. She extended her hand in a friendly gesture. "Blaze." She said unethically.
Tails smiled and nodded. "Tails." They shook hands and returned to their original positions. Blaze gestured for the little rabbit to follow. "Hey Tails don't go anywhere! I'll be back!" Tails waved at the two Mobians cheerfully before they shut the door behind them. Moments went by as Tails listened to a conversation that went on behind the door. Tails observed the little room. It was sparsely furnished but it was still comfortable. The door to the room opened. Tails sat and waited for his captor to show himself...or herself. Tails watched as the door revealed a thin white arm. Tails followed the arm up the body astonished by what he had seen. It looked so beautiful. He gasped. He had never seen an albino Hedgehog before. He watched as the Hedgehog made his way over. "Hi my name is Silver, welcome to Homeland." Tails nodded still astonished by the Hedgehog before him.

Silver looked at the fox. He had only met the fox but he knew what he had to say. "Eggman has called upon you." Silver said sadly.

Tails shivered. The name was enough to make him scared. Eggman had become to powerful to quick. What would Eggman want with him? He had just escaped the place! There was nothing he could do now! Tails scoffed. "What does Eggman think he is gonna do? I'm not helping him that's for sure." Silvers attitude changed. A sorrowful looked spread across his face. "He has Sonic." Everything went quiet and inaudible. He could only hear his thoughts. Something inside felt like it died. He had to get his Hedgehog back. He had too. "What does he want with Sonic?" He managed to say.  Silver shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno, but we have him on the phone right now. Oh and Tails we call ourselves the rebellion. Welcome." Silver forced a devious slight smile before going to catch the phone. After a few brief moments, he came back into the room extending the phone towards the fox. The fox took the cellphone. Silver got up and left, shutting the door behind him. He held the phone up to his ear waiting for a response from the other end. "Hello....Son." the voice said. Tails got angry. "I am not your son! What did you do with Sonic?!" Tails yelled into the phone. Eggman snickered. He spoke towards someone on the other end. "Hey Sonic I'll give you three minutes to convince your lover to help me or else your done for." He heard resentment from the other end, some struggle was done before Sonic's voice came onto the phone. "Tails!?" Sonic's voice sounded like an angel. "Sonic please say your okay!" Sonic sighed from the other end. "Tails I love you." Tails's heart hurt. "I love you more Sonic." Tails began to cry a little. The tears running down his face in little trickles.  "Tails you can't come here! They are going to make you--." Sonic was cut off and Eggman yelled something. Tails waited to hear a response. "Sonic?.....Sonic!?" A familiar voice came on, not the one he was looking for though. "Be here tomorrow afternoon if you want to see your beloved Hedgehog again......" The phone beeped. Tails set the phone down. He slammed his fists in the bed. "Damn it!" He said in frustration. He was going to get Sonic back. If it was the last thing he was going to do.....

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