A Nuke In a Hard Place

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(Is it Sad that I'm the only one counting down till the last chapter? oh wait, that's because I'm the only one who knows how many is left. XD. So sorry. Hope you all like the chapter! Okay I'll leave you to read!)

Tails finished some last kinks on the panel. "I thought we decided we couldn't finish it?" Grace said confused as Tails shut the panel and rubbed his hands. Tails smiled. "It can't be launched without voice recognition now." Grace smiled. "And whose voice would that be?" She said with a chuckle. "Well mine of course!" The fox said with a sarcastic tone. He laughed and looked at the huge powerful missile. "Where is the power source for this anyway?" Tails said trying to figure out where wires led. Grace frowned. "The Chaos Emerald is what powers it. Tails....." Tails turned around, there was something the fox needed to tell him. "What is it Grace?" He asked concerned. "Its just well.....everyone thinks this is just a nuke....but its something more than that. What they don't understand is Choas energy." Tails tilted his head. "Choas Energy?" He asked questioningly. Grace nodded before going on. "The humans have the Anti-matter bomb in the process of being made. Their most high tech nuke. Well, its made from tons of different kinds of components that make up a nuke. Such as heavy water which is an important part of the nuclear recipe...." "Go on." Tails said thinking. "Well a nuke is a nuke and can still destroy the world but the difference between an anti-matter bomb and a chaos energy bomb is time." "Time?" Tails asked. Grace was about to explain when the sirens went off. Red lights blared everywhere. "Whats going on?" Tails said watching as the workers flailed around trying to reach destinations. "Somethings wrong." Grace ran done the stairs and towards here computer, Tails followed suit. She opened up a tab. "There has been a breach, their here for something...." "What?" Tails said thinking. "The nuke?" Grace stood up and looked over at the fox. "The Emerald." She ran towards a door behind the back of the room. "Where does that go?" Tails asked bewildered. "There is two rooms separating us from the emerald and this weapon. I haven't told you the significance of this emerald Tails...." She took a key out of her pocket and put it into the doorknob, twisting it until it clicked and she pushed it open. " And whats that?" Tails said. "This emerald has capabilities far advanced than any technology known. It could possibly even be the answer to time travel." Tails eyes got wide. "Time travel! What!" He thought. They briskly walked down a small corridor. Just one door stood alone at the end. It had locks and what looked to be a face recognition. Grace stood in front of the door. "You may want to stand back." Tails stood back as he was told. Beams shot out of the panel scanning every inch of the mobian fox's body. "Welcome Doctor Grace." A robotic tone said before the door opened. Tails followed his relative into the room the door closing behind him. He could feel the pulsating of the emerald through out the dark room. Its green glow shining all over the walls. "What are we doing?" Tails asked confused. Grace walked over and began pulling wires off the emerald. Each one making an electrical dying sound. Tails ran over looked a the little green emerald. "We need to get it out if here, before anybody gets their hands on it." Grace said carefully picking up the emerald and giving it to Tails. Tails's eyes got wide. This was the next major breakthrough in history, and he was holding it! Tails carefully held the emerald, a soft green glow pulsating like a heart beat. "Thats weird." Grace said looking with her head tilted. "What?" Tails said staring into the emerald. Something was drawing him near this beautiful jewel. "Its never done that before." She said. She listened as gunfire was heard over head. "We need to get moving, if we are gonna make it out of here we need to---." She was interrupted by a sudden loud clicking sound. "What is that?" Tails said listening carefully. The clicking sounded like gears grinding. Grace's eyes got wide as she began to run down the corridor. "Hey, wait up!" Tails said following his relative. The emeralds glow shone the path towards the end of the corridor. The green light dancing on the walls. He ran into the opening. Sunlight shining everywhere. "What the--." Tails was caught off by Grace. "I thought you said the nuke was voice recognition!" She said messing with her computer. "It is!" Tails said starting to walk over. Tails noticed a figurine stepping out of the shadow behind her. A voice recording going off. It sounded like Tails's voice. It stopped suddenly. "Well, well, well, you may fool Egghead but not me." The pink hedgehog came out of the shadow. "Amy, what do you want?" Tails said holding the emerald in his hands still. She rolled her eyes. "What do you think." Tails looked down at the emerald. "I can't let you have this Amy." He said knowing the extreme importance of this emerald. "Amy frowned. "So be it." She pulled up a gun and pointed it at Graces head. "Wait wait wait!" Tails said holding one hand up. "You little bitch." Grace mumbled underneath her breath. Amy smacked the gun against the side of the fox's head making her fall to the ground. "Stay down you little whore." Grace moaned from the blow but was still wide awake. She pointed the gun at Tails. "Either give me that Emerald or you and your little cousin here both get it." Tails listened to the humming of the emerald. The sound of the gun clicking. The sound of the wind blowing above him. He had to make a decision and fast. He began to walk over slowly when a door to the right opened up. "What the hell is going on?" The blue hedgehog said, The door closing behind him. Amy looked at Sonic briskly. "Oh Sonic! I didn't expect to see you here!" She smiled deviously. She pointed the gun at the hedgehog. "Woah, woah Amy. What's wrong with you." Sonic said holding his hands up. She laughed "Business. If there is one thing I know Tails will comply with, it's you......."

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