Your New Job

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Sonic waited in front of his house. The car would pull up any minute. It had been a week since he last spoke with Tails over the phone. He looked as the cars went by. Waiting for a vehicle any minute. He saw a limo in the distance. "Man that would be nice." He watched as it kept driving towards him the black sleekness made it quite an expensive vehicle. He watched it closely, observing it's direction of destination. It slowed down and pulled over a couple feet away. Sonic was astonished. He would have thought they'd have picked him up in a SUV at most. Sonic walked over his bag slung over his shoulder and his suit and tie on. He had bought the clothes not sure if he was supposed to dress to impress. The window rolled down. The driver looked out the window. "Are you Blue?" Sonic smirked. "In the flesh." He said to him. "quite literally." He said chuckling to himself. The man nodded and directed him to enter the vehicle. Sonic opened the door, he ducked and put himself into the limo. He shut the door behind him. He had never seen a vehicle more neatly set and expensive. The seats a velvety purple with lights lining every part of the vehicle. There were cup holders in between each seat and smoke outlets at every corner. He noticed a bottle of champagne in the corner. He looked at it. It was still cold. It looked very expensive. Two cups sat next to it. The vehicle started up and started driving. Something was not adding up. The two cups. The expensive champagne. The luxorious vehicle. He moved up by the window and pulled on the curtain. He tapped on the black window. It moved down slowly. "Uh sorry sir but is someone accompanying us?" The man nodded. "Who?" Sonic asked nervously. He had a good idea of whom. "Well none other than Miles Prower himself." Sonic said his thanks and shut the curtain the window slowly closing up to it's original postion. Sonic sat back. God what did he get himself into!? What was he going to do! He knew know he loved Tails. Hands down, but did Tails feel the same? Would Tails even want to see Sonic. Sonic tried wrapping his mind around the idea that he was meeting Tails soon. He fixed his bow. He had to think of what to say to Tails. "Hey long time no see?" Sonic shook his head and face palmed himself. "Your such an idiot." He waited the time going on a lifetime. He looked at his watch. It had only been 10 minutes since he opened the door to this luxury and made his way in. He didn't know how Tails could afford such an expense. Sonic sat back sighing. He had to keep his cool. He felt a mixture of excitement and fear inside him. He wanted to tell Tails how he felt but he was afraid of Tails's answer. Any minute the vehicle would stop and the love of his life would step in. Did Tails even know he was in the vehicle. He couldn't of known. He gave himself a fake name and all. He imaged the suprise on Tails face. Hopefully it was a good kind of suprise and not the "I'm gonna kill you kind." Sonic felt the vehicle slow down. Sonic panicked he tried sitting their casually. This was the one chance to tell Tails how he felt. Oh God he didn't even know what to say. He waited the car coming to a stop. There was conversation outside the vehicle. He heard a joke or two get exchanged and then it stopped. Sonic's eyes got wide. He heard the click of the vehicle door opening. He saw a yellow leg stick in. That's when Sonic began to panic. What would the fox think, what would he say, and how would he feel.

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