Irrepressible Love

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(Hey guys! Gosh, its been weeks since the last chapter! Forgive me for being so busy! Alright as promised here is the chapter! I don't think I'm that good at writing these but I hope you enjoy! I must warn you, smut.)

Tails laughed as he jumped onto the bed playfully. He swished his tails in a mockery kind of way. Sonic slowly peeled off his clothes and looked to the side. "How about I take a little shower first?" He said smiling uncontrollably. Tails whined in a cute tone. "I suppose." He said. Sonic bit his lip gazing at the fox. God, he was so irresistible. Sonic thought he would die of the sheer beauty of this Mobian. Sonic thought of an idea, one he really liked. "Hey, want to help in the shower? It's been a long day." Sonic smiled as the fox gave him a lustful grin. "Well, Sonic, I guess I can help you." Tails said making his way off the bed. Sonic went to the master bathroom. The standup shower and a jacuzzi tub in sight. Sonic turned the water on in the tub. "I thought you wanted a shower?" Tails said smirking. "Well, I thought I would take a nice, long, comfortable bath instead." Sonic said obviously hinting towards something. Sonic looked at Tails. He stared at those gorgeous eyes, he felt like he was on the beach staring at the beautiful blue water while it shimmered from the setting sun. Sonic felt this when he stared at those sapphires of happiness. It was like fireworks going off in his mind. "I love--." Sonic couldn't finish before the fox threw himself towards the blue hedgehog. Wrapping his arms and legs around the hedgehog and kissing him deeply. Sonic stumbled back, surprised by the sudden erge of his two-tailed companion. Sonic fell onto the bathtub ledge, he slid his hand gently across the side of the fox's face and continued to kiss. His heart felt like the scorching sun, the searing heat filling his body and coursing through his veins. Tails moved his hand up the hedgehog's chest making Sonic's body shake. Sonic kissed down the fox's neck. Tails let out a slight moan. Sonic noticed the water about half full now in the jacuzzi tub. He took his arms and wrapped them around the fox. Tails giggled slightly. Sonic took his fingers and gently brushed them across Tails' side. Tails arched to the side slightly. Sonic did it again a little more roughly. The fox began to laugh. "What's wrong?" Sonic said smiling and laughing. Tails was full on laughing now, the tickles unbearable. He squirmed around in Sonic's grasp. Sonic laughed and stopped tickling the fox, pressing his forehead against Tails's. "I love you." Sonic said holding the fox close. Tails whispered in his ear. "I love you too, that's why I'm doing this." Tails shoved the hedgehog into the bathwater with him being dragged along. Water splashed all over, but luckily the bathroom was tiled and had a drain. Tails laughed as Sonic gave him a half grin. "Playing dirty I see...." Sonic said. Sonic took the soap and began to scrub himself gently. He lathered the fox's back and ears as well with soap. This made Tails moan a bit, he tried to hide it right away though, Embarrassed that he had done so. Sonic noticed and couldn't help but kiss down the fox's neck. This escaped a moan out of the fox once again. A red crimson color spreading across the fox's muzzle. They had finished bathing. Sonic got up briskly. His erection now in full few and throbbing. Tails blushed even harder as he gazed at his blue lover. Sonic smiled and made his way to the shower to rinse off. Tails rose slowly. The water trickling down his abdomen and seeping back into the bubbly water. He walked over to the shower. Sonic had his back turned. The water like little rivers flowing down his body. Tails tried to hide the budge below him. He was starting to yearn for something more. Tails slowly got in with his head down. He knew his face was redder then a tomato. Sonic turned around slowly and looked at the fox, who still was a victim of intense blushing. Sonic immersed himself in the fox's eyes. He grabbed Tails's hands and kissed them. "You are my everything Tails..." Sonic said with a smile. Tails was looking at the bottom of the shower. The water grazing over his fur and down his abdomen. Sonic couldn't help but notice the fox's pulsing erection. Sonic had a burning desire. He wanted to a great deal, yet he didn't want to hurt the fox. He had just been removed from the hospital. Which, Sonic knew, he would get a mouthful from Grace later. He was about to say something when Tails pushed him up against the shower wall. "Ta-Tails." Sonic said surprised by the fox's sudden force. "Just shut it and kiss me." Tails said with a lustful grin. Sonic didn't know what had gotten into the fox but he sure didn't mind. Sonic brushed his lips against Tails's silky, velvety lips. He nipped on them before pulling away and beginning to seek more. Sonic made his way down the fox's abdomen his body feeling like it was being heated by a flame. The flare within him reaching high levels of intensity. He made his way farther and farther down till he was faced with his destination. He began trailing around the bulging erection, teasing the fox. Tails groaned while Sonic pushed him up against the wall slightly. He heard Tails whimper and stopped abruptly. "Are you okay Tails?" Sonic said concerned for his significant other. "I-it just f-feels so g-good." Tails said his muzzle still reddened and biting his lip from moaning. Sonic smiled and continued. Sudden bursts of pleasure escaping the fox's mouth. Sonic escalated the situation, sending a spark of indescribable pleasure up the fox's spine. "So-Sonic." Tails begged. Tails panted and grabbed the sides of the shower. He moved his hips slowly. He had a want... A craving....something was happening. Tails began to breathe louder and more rapidly. Moaning Sonics name. Sonic continued his succumbing actions, provoking the fox to go further. Tails surrendered to the hedgehogs wishes. Sealing the deal with an arching moan. Tails laid his head back on the wall. He relaxed. Sonic came up from kneeling and looked into he fox's eyes. Tails wrapped his hands around the hedgehog's neck bringing him closer for a kiss. It was sensual and felt so unbidden. An irrepressible love. Sonic turned the water off and picked the fox up. "I know where I want to go." Sonic said with a smile. Tails ran his fingers through the hedgehog's hair. "Where?"  Sonic grinned. "How bout we take a trip to the beach?" Tails beamed with a smile. "What beach?"
Sonic smiled. "Wait and see...."

(Once again I hope you guys like the chapter! I know it took me forever to write it, hope you can forgive me!)

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