The Night Before Mission Day.

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Tails layed there in bed listening to Sonics breathing. After tomorrow his life would be complete. He had Sonic and he was engaged. Tails thought of that moment. The moment Sonic got down on one knee. The change that would come after that moment. Tails had come from boyfriend and had become fiance. He couldn't wait to have the title husband. Tails looked over at his Hedgehog again. The blue ball he loved so much. He reached over and kissed Sonic's cheek. He got a grunt. Tails giggled. Tails got up quietly looking out the window. The moonlight shining like a spotlight on him. He watched as the wind ruffled the trees. The hooting of an owl. He smiled. He sat back in bed and  closed his eyes. He hadn't fallen asleep yet when all a sudden he felt like he was dreaming.

"Sonic! Sonic! I'm going down! Tails tried pushing up on the lever. The plane had been hit. He watched as the ground got closer and closer. The trees now visible that he could count the amount of leaves on the tree. He was just about to hit the ground.

Tails opened his eyes and sat up breathing hard. He looked back over at where he was standing moments before....or was it hours before? He pushed his fur back. Tails thought about what had just happened. It didn't feel quite like a dream but it kinda felt like it actually was happening. Tails layed back upon the pillow. "Just calm yourself down Tails." The fox said to himself sighing. "What's the worst that could happen?"

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