The Lost Fox

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It had been a month since Sonic has seen Tails. He had asked everyone if they knew where he lived. Even Amy. He didn't know how to let Amy know how he felt. He told her he didn't want a relationship and all she said was. " Baby steps, baby steps." Sonic was really upset. Over the last month he knew he had developed feelings for the fox, or at least he was sure he had. He sat down at the bus stop thinking. He had been all over town with no luck. He had began to give up. He put his head in his hands. He blew his one shot at something good in life.....Tails. He remembered the times him and Tails had together. The mini golf, the skating, and the dinner. Sonic also needed to find a job. He didn't have one still and needed one badly. "Wait the dinner." Sonic said getting an idea. "He said he would want to be a pilot? Mechanic? Oh which one was it...." Sonic tried thinking hard. "I think he said pilot." Sonic searched around town looking for anything that could do with flying an aircraft and that's when he hit the jackpot. The Air Force office. Sonic was completely sure Tails would join. He was sensitive and cute. Not a military kind of fox though. He walked over to the building opening the door. The woman there greeted him with a smile. "Hello!" Sonic walked up to her. "Is there any way to see if someone signed up for the Air Force?" Sonic thought about it. "Tails couldn't have joined the Air Force. He is only sixteen." "Uh yah we can actually but it's kinda personal information, if you could sign your name here and tell me how your related....." The woman pushed a piece a paper towards him. He looked at it nervously. He grabbed a pen. Relation: he put next to it fiance and then signed at the bottom. He handed the paper to the woman. The woman raised an eyebrow. "Congratulations." She said typing after reading the relations part of the sheet of paper. "Name?" She asked. "Uh.....Miles Tails Prower?" She looked at him. "Your kidding right?" She said seriously. "Uh no." Sonic said nervously. She laughed. "Well he is the Sargeant of his own Arial battalion and is well know through out the Air Force as being one of the youngest and smartest Air pilots out there. He was able to move up in rank so quick that they thought he must've had training prior." She suddenly had an astonished face. "Wait I didn't know Tails had a fiance!" She smiled from cheeck to cheeck. "Wait till the crew hears this." She was about to grab the phone. "Wait!" Sonic said before she typed in the number. "I--I was going to be the communication officer for his flight crew. I wanted it to be a surprise." Sonic mentally high fived his face. "Stupid what deep trouble your going to get yourself into." She looked up the job option on the computer. "Sonic got very nervous, any second she would relize he was lieing. "Yep, I see they have been asking for someone to take that job for a while now. Can I shoot a message to Tails telling him we found someone for the job?" Sonic nodded wiping the sweat from his face. "Damn that was lucky." The woman continued typing. "And who is it that will be taking this job?" She said wanting Sonic's name. "Uh my name is." Sonic blurted out the first thing he could think of. "Blue. My name is Blue the hedgehog." The woman looked at him like he was kidding. "Blue ? Like the color?" "Yep!" Sonic said scratching the back of his head nervously. She shrugged her shoulders and typed it in. "Alright you should call them and let them know where you are and they will arrange a meeting. Oh I'm so dumb. Can you show me some identification?" Sonic froze his driver's license had his name right on it. He pulled it out and was about to give it to her when he "accidentally" spilled her coffee. It spilled all over his driver's license smugging the name. "Oh I'm so sorry!" Sonic said trying to use his best acting skills. She just backed the chair up and looked at the picture. "Alright here she said standing and typing it in. "Call them in an hour or two and they will agree to meet you somewhere for the interview." She wrote a phone number down and gave it to Sonic. "Thanks!" he said grabbing his wet license. He walked towards the outside of the building pushing the door to leave. "Good luck with you and Tails!" She said yelling and waving, he waved back with the same smile he had received. He got outside and looked at the number. "Damn that was a close one. What are you getting yourself into Sonic!" He walked over to a phone booth and rummaged through his jacket for a quarter. He found one and put it in. He typed the numbers in the booth that was on the paper. "Found you Tails."

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