The Interview

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Tails answered the phone. He was on lunch break and was annoyed it was being ruined. Tails ate alone. He preferred it that way. He was Sarge so he had more say than others so he always sat by himself at the lunch table. Tails on the outside tried making himself seem tough but on the inside he was still the same fox wanting his knight in shining armor to show. Well knight in blue armor. Tails picked the phone up. "Hello?"  Sargent Tails speaking." "Hey Tails! It's Son-- I mean it's blue I was asking about that communicator job opening." "In sorry but I don't know who this is." Tails said coldly. "My name is Blue I was asking about the job opening for communication officer. Well I want the job, may I have it?" Tails liked the person's attitude. It reminded him of Sonic. He furrowed his eyebrows remembering the blue hedgehog he was trying to forget. "Hello?" The person on the line said. Tails snapped out of it. "Sure! The job is yours. We will have a car take you to the nearest base and from their you can go  to Mobius M.C." The person on the other line gasped. "You mean the capital!" "Nah I meant Green hills, yah dummy." The voice on the other line laughed at Tails's sarcasm. "Alright attitude I'll see you then." Tails hung up the phone. That voice was so familiar. It gave Tails a fuzzy feeling that he didn't understand. He continued eating his sandwich. He had been out training some privates all day. He was happy to be appreciated by so many people but it was because of this fake image of a person he had created. He finished his sandwich and looked at the clock. He had a few hours still before it was time for more training. "Guess I'll fly the Tornado out for a while." Tails said smiling. Tails had drove the same jet since day one. He even had it painted and had his infamous two tailed symbol  lubricated onto it. The Tornado is what he named the jet, it was really grest at spinning, hence the name. Tails got up and walked out if the cafeteria into the runway. In a few weeks he was going on the biggest mission in his life, a terrorist group on the border had killed ten innocent Mobians in cold blood. They were going to have to bomb the Outpost to make sure they don't try to make any more advancements on the border. He closed the distance between him and his jet. He ran his fingers along it admiring the big beauty. Some people thought that he loved his plane more than anything, even more than the Air Force. Tails walked up the latter and into his jet, shutting the glass top above him. He loved this jet a lot. He might of, under the radar, adjusted some things to make it faster. He snickered to himself looking at some of the new controls he had installed. He flipped some switches listening to the jet hum it's hermonic tune. He flipped some more letting the engines increase it's pulsing. He pulled the wheel towards him. One more switch. Tails loved this part the most, the suspense before take off, the way he felt. Accomplished? He didn't really know what the feeling was. He flipped the last switch. The jet jolted forward at a speed unimaginable to most people. "Those modifications helped quite a bit." He lifted off into the air with a loud boom noise. He already knew what to call the sound. A Sonic boom. He knew he needed to forget the hedgehog but the name felt so.....right. he loved the view. The sunset. Everything faded away when he flew up here above the clouds, away from his problems. The fluffy clouds a blanket across the sky and the sun glistening off the majestic jet. Just him. It was dangerous though cause it gave him time to think. Which is the most dangerous weapon of all. The mind. He looked onto the distance he knew this is what his life had come to. Depressed, and lonely. He accepted that and moved on though. Life sucked and that's all there was to it.

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