The End is Not so Near

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Tails set the phone down. He had barely made that crash. He had to thank himself for updating the jet to his comfortablity. That is what saved him. He had landed in the middle of a enemy military zone. So he was just behind enemy lines pretty much. He had to hide himself though. He had to wear a trench coat to hide his tails and always kept his head down. He had little money, little food, and little water.....but he was alive which means him and Sonic could still start their lives together unless Tails didn't make it out of here. Tails looked around at the bustling town full of poverty struck citizens. He was in the outer most edge of enemy lines but there were military personnel everywhere. He noticed they didn't act human though. It was more like they were programed to move the way they were. Tails kept observing the strange atmosphere around this town. That's the only word he could think of. Strange. A robotic hand came upon his shoulder. He was turned around quick. "Miles Tails Prower? You're coming with me." The robotic voice said. Tails was about to hit the robot when something strong came across his back knocking him down. His vision was blurry. He couldn't really see anything. He looked up the two people above him. "Is this really him? Miles Tails Prower?" Tails hated his full name. Especially when it was used by people he didn't like. "Yes Admiral." The soldier said. Tails could make out the blue metallic color above him. "What does Eggman want with him?" The soldier said. "It's above your pay grade, so get back to work." The metallic blue hedgehog looked at the fox. "Welcome to the city of Pain. Population, well whatever we want it to be." He felt himself get lifted and pulled away. The thought of Sonic came through his mind. "Sonic, come quick."

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