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Tails continued running, the brush licking at his legs. He wanted to tell Sonic how he feels but then that dumb pink hedgehog.....Tails stopped running and sat down to catch his breath. He needed to get away from here, from life. He couldn't go back to Eggman and now the only person he loved had been taken from him. He looked up at the sky. The clouds moving like inflatable marshmallows flowing in the wind. He noticed the plane gliding it's wings through the puffy white skies. So gracefully.Tails continued to run through the brush he reached a street and looked around. The heat beating on the black asphalt making it sizzle. Something suddenly smacked him square in the face. He tried grabbing the paper off. He got it off and read what it said.

"Join now!" The Air Force needs you! Let's bring justice to those who need it!

Tails looked at it his eyes wide. "That's it!" He said smiling. "I just need to join the Air Force." Tails thought of Sonic. Tails knew it never would have worked, no matter how hard Tails wanted it to, it couldn't be. Tails put his thumb out as cars sped past. Eventually one stopped. "The city, please." Tails said. The driver nodded and went along his way to the city. The whole ride Tails looked out the window. Tears streaming down his face. He loved Sonic, but did Sonic love him? The driver reached the destination. Tails hoped out giving the man the last of money Tails had. Tails
Looked at the dove fly bye. A sign. Tails went into the building in front off him. The depiction of a jet and the wind getting caught behind it was placed on to the building purposely for symbolism. Tails went up to the desk were a women in a green uniform looked up smiling. "How may I help you?" She asked questioningly. "I would like to join the Air Force." Tails said furrowing his eyebrows and nodding. She lifted an eyebrow and looked at him questioningly. "How old are you." Tails got nervous. He wasn't going to tell her his real age. He had to give her his birth certificate. At least it was a fake. Tails eyes became gloomy. When he was born he was left on the side of the street with nothing. Not a birth certificate, not food or clothing, not a penny to his name. The only thing he had that was his was his name. "I'm 18 ma'am." She nodded and typed some things into her computer. "I'm gonna need proof of this." She said looking back at Tails. Tails nervously pulled the fake certificate out of his pocket. She examined it closely and looked back at Tails with a serious face. ".......Welcome to the team." She smiled handing back the sheet off paper that made Tails feel older. "What is two years?" He said laughing nervously to himself. She gave him a not card. "Meet General Shadow at in 2400 hours. He will brief you in and put you in the program to see if you can really handle the amount of stress, pain, and struggle." Tails thanked the lady and walked out. He looked at the note card in his hand. Shadow was a fearless general and nothing stood in his path. For a twenty one year old he was quite the good military expert. Tails walked over to the side of the building. He had nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait. Very soon he would be a pilot and be helping more people then he thought imaginable. Tails sat down thinking of the future he was unfolding before himself. He didn't have much to live for in the first place so why not join a good cause. Tails rested his head up against the wall. The cool bricks soothing the now extreme headache. He loved Sonic. He knew he did now. The skating, talking, and golfing. They all showed that Sonic just maybe might have had feelings for the fox. Tails began crying. They were tears off lost hope. He had hoped for something that was not worth hoping for and now he knew that. Tails sighed. He had to get his act together if he wanted to be in the Air Force. He bottled up his emotions. A trick he had learned over the years. Cry in secret and smile in public. It always seemed to work. He felt his eyes start to drift off. The sun beating on his warm fur making it feel like a heated blanket. He curled up on the sidewalk. Alone, sad, and scared. This was his future. Alone. He accepted that as fact. No one could love him. The fox may be smart, but every bottle has a breaking point.

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