Your Father

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"Sonic! Sonic!" Sonic looked across the horizon. Tails was about 4ft away from him. Tails looked petrified. Rubbling was heard in the distance. Sonic moved towards the hatch in the ground and opened it. "Tails get in!" He tried saying but he was inaudible. Tails looked back at Sonic and walked over. "I love you." An explosion in the distance. Flash of light. Tails shed a tear. The mushroom cloud behind him shooting into the atmosphere. Sonic could see across the horizon the trees burning and being smashed to the ground. "Tails!" He tried saying. The fox moved his hand across the Hedgehog's face, wiping away a tear. Sonic had to do something. Tails put his hands on Sonic's shoulders. "never forget me." Tails pushed Sonic into the whole the latch flipping above him. He fell, and fell, and fell into continued darkness

Sonic woke up breathing hard and his face wet. He looked around the room. It was a decent sized room. A mirror, a dresser, a vanity. There was a little light shining in through a little crack in the curtain. "Where am I?" He said confused. He moved to the side of his bed so his feet were touching the floor. He looked at the stone cold floor. Slippers were put next to the bed, obviously to keep feet warm. He got up and walked over to the window. He pulled the curtain so the rays shone into the cold room. The window distorted the scenery out doors. Sonic couldn't make out a thing. *Knock* *knock* Sonic observed the door. It creaked open. A red Echidna stepped in. "Your Sonic right?" He said amused. "Yah. And where am I?" Sonic said angrly. "Your safe, that's all you need to know. Follow me if you would please." The Echidna walked out of the room and into a dark hallway. Sonic shook his head. "What the hell is going on here." He followed the Echidna down the dark hallway. A torch here and there lightning a little section of the darkness. They came up upon a wooden door. The Ehidna knocked and opened. A woman's voice could be heard. "I'm you know how long it takes a woman to---." The bat stood in the doorway facing the Echidna and Sonic. "Oh uh Knuckles, I didn't know it was you." The bat laughed nervously and looked at the hedgehog. "Is this him?" She said questioningly. Knuckles nodded in approval. She smiled. "Welcome, my name is Rouge." She held out her hand in a friendly gesture. Sonic took it and shaked. "Sonic." He said smiling. "Oh I know who you are." She let go and shut her door. "Alright I'm ready." Knuckles nodded and turned right down another hallway. Sonic and Rouge right  behind him. "So what is this place?" Sonic asked wispering to the bat. She smiled. "Haven." They walked past many rooms similar to the ones Sonic and Rouge came out of. They finnaly reached a spiral staircase. They walked up it slowly until they got to Bother door, which Knuckles opened. Another corridor opened up before them. This one was a little different. It had a few doors but not nearly as much as the other hallways. L the doors had something written above it but Sonic couldn't make it out. The Echidna opened another door. This one was made out of some kind of hard oak. A desk and spiral chair that faced the window were towards the one huge distorted window. A few chairs lined the front of the desk in a sort of semi-circle. "Please, all of you....sit." the voice said behind the chair. Sonic and the others did as they were instructed to do. The chair behind the desk swivled around reavealing a black and red Hedgehog. Sonic had heard rumors from his father of this Hedgehog. He had been a good friend of his dads. That's all that Sonic knew though. Sonic's dad thought he had been killed. Sonic stared at the hedgehog before him. "There is a lot you need to know Sonic." The Hedgehog said. Knuckles spoke up. "Shadow we don't have much time." Shadow scolded Knuckles but nodded. "Sonic do you know who started all of this?" Shadow looked with wide eyes at the blue hedgehog. "Start what?" Sonic said confused. Shadow leaned back in his chair thinking. "This rebellion." He said still thinking. Sonic sat back and thought of what the black and red Hedgehog said. His dad never said anything about a rebellion. "Your father." Shadow continued. "Built the foundation of the rebellion.....we were strong and courageous.....we were gonna win too....but Eggmans grandfather killed the poor fellow." Shadow shook his head. "when he seemed the rebellion died with him. We have less supplies, less soldiers to fight, less of really everything." Sonic took this all in. He had only seen his father a few times. Why would he keep such a big secret? "Your father was a brave man and protected you and your mother from Eggman's grandfather. I was just created then to destroy you and your parents but when I realized what your father was fighting for.....his cause.....his made me realize that Eggman is evil and will do anything to get what he wants." Shadow looked past the group. As if moments of sorrow and pity were creaping up on him. Sonic sat there breathless. "My father never told me any of this. Why?" He said with a headache. Shadow looked into Sonic's eyes. "He was protecting you...and your mother....but Eggman seems to have caught one of you already." Sonic's eyes got wide. "What the hell do you mean?" Sonic said angrly. "What I'm saying mom has been kidnapped by Eggman."

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