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Tails held Sonic close to him. Making sure he wouldn't fall. Sonic stumbled a few times but Tails wouldn't let him fall. That's not how friends work. Tails showed Sonic throwing one foot in front of the other and circling around showing him. He watched carefully as Sonic began to do the same slowly. "I think I get the hang of this."he said before falling on the ground. Tails rushed over and helped up the hedgehog. "Sorry about that." Tails said wiping the hedgehog down. "Here hold on to my hands." Tails reached out his hands in front of him. Sonic took his hands blushing. Tails began skating backwards. "Okay let's try that again, yep there you go." Sonic began skating. Tails looked at the hedgehog proud of Sonic's accomplishment. "Hah! I'm doing it!" Sonic began following Tails around. "See I have a one up on you Sonic, you can't run as fast in those." Tails raced ahead making the challenge. They were the only two that actually wanted to skate. Everyone else had wanted to play in the arcade or play sports outside. They continued racing Tails still in the lead. Sonic was so close. He could almost touch him. Tails spinned around scaring the hedgehog. Sonic began to fall. Tails stopped with his hands out the hedgehog rammed into him pushing them both up against the wall. Tails held Sonic's arms. "Don't worry I'm not letting you fall on my watch again." Sonic looked up into those caring eyes. He stood keeping little distance between the two. Sonic could smell the mint carried by Tails's breath. The moment was very intense. Sonic began moving in closer. "Hey Sonic!" Someone yelled. Sonic backed up quickly. Tails blushed hard looking down at the ground. Amy waved from behind the bars. "Want to play volleyball!?" Sonic looked back at the fox. Tails laughed. "Go play volleyball, I know how much you like to." Sonic nodded with a smirk on his face. Tails blushed again. Sonic ran to the side to join Amy. He took his skates off. "Why are you hanging out with the mutant?" Amy said annoyed. Sonic got angry. "He isn't a mutant Amy." He said rather aggressively. She backed up hands in front of her. "Was just asking, you better hurry they want to start the game." Sonic ran off towards the door letting Amy go first. He looked back. The fox was skating gracefully around. He thought no one was looking and he jumped spinning around and landing. He laughed. Something in Sonic's chest made him feel warm and fuzzy. He wasn't sure what the unusual feeling was but he knew he liked it. "C'mon slowpoke!" Amy said already out of the building. Sonic shut the door. Tails continued skating laughing at himself. "Damn that was close interaction." He said remembering what had happened moments before. He had a lot to think about while no one was around. He thought of asking Sonic to join him this weekend for dinner at that restaurant. "Yah that's a good idea." He kept spinning around enjoying himself. A door clicked nearby startling the fox. "Hey mutant." Tails looked over at his oppresser. Eggman. "How did you find me here!" Tails said startled. Eggman had been Tails "Foster parent" for a few months now. Tails couldn't believe they had turned him over to him. Though nobody at the foster home liked him. He was only 16 so technically Eggman owned Tails. Eggman stood by the bar. "Come hear fox." Eggman motioned him with his finger. Tails skated over frightened for his life. Eggman took his hand and threw it across Tails's face. "I told you I didn't want you going on this trip you yellow mutant. Your suppose to be back at the lair laying in your cell." Tails didn't want to leave he couldn't. "Eggman can I please----." Eggman corrected him. "Doctor." "Doctor Eggman can I please at least have this one day to enjoy myself?" Eggman looked down thinking. "I suppose I can bend the rules for one day." Tails brightened up. " have twice the amount of work to do when you get back." Tails didn't care he just wanted to get to enjoy himself. "Alright." Eggman nodded and walked back out the door. Tails could feel his face start to bleed a little. He tried wiping it off. He felt bad about lieing to Sonic about where he was living but if everyone knew Tails was living with Eggman they would either disown him as a criminal or make fun of him. Tails let a few tears fall from his eyes. They hit the floor with little splatters. The door opened again. Tails wiped his tears away and stood up. "Man that was fun!" Sonic said laughing. He put his skates back on and skated towards Tails. Tails laughed. "I'm glad your having fun!" Sonic spin around. "Alright you need to show me how you do that little trick of yours." Sonic said with a smirk. "What trick?" Tails said questioningly. "The one where you spin in the air." Sonic said with a smile. Tails blushed embarrassingly. "Oh, I didn't know anyone was watching." Sonic laughed. He looked at Tails's face, at the scratch mark. "Uh what happened there." Sonic said coming over to get a better look. Tails nervously turned his face. "Oh it's nothing just slipped and fell that's all." Sonic knew Tails was lieing. It was something Tails was bad at. He decided to let it be and continued with what he was saying earlier. "Alright, show me how you fly." Tails smirked. "Let's see if you can catch up slowpoke." Tails began his turn around, Sonic following Suit.

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