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Sonic looked across the horizon. He had been walking for a few hours now. The base that His mom was supposively being held at was up north of where he was. He continued to walk. The evening sun beating upon his blue skin. He knew the base had to have been only a few more miles. He really didn't know what he was doing. Even if he did reach the base how would he get in? Let alone get his mom and Tails out. He stopped and took a swig of his water. A few droplets fell of onto the ground sizzling away into nothing. Sonic smelled something. He looked back towards where he was going. He squinted. A black funnel in the distance caught his wasnt a cloud it was....smoke. Sonic put his water back into his pocket. He began running, all the sand and dead trees zooming past him in a blur of yellow and brown. He had almost reached the base when something caught his attention. Something layed in the sand. Slowly being taken away by the desert as if the desert was claiming it as it's own. He moved towards the thing that jutted out of the landscape. It looked to maybe be a military jacket or a military outfit. Sonic walked over and noticed a hand sticking out. Sonic's eyes got wide. He quickly began brushing the sand off of the Hedgehog. The purply skin being reavealed. Sonic flipped his mom over. "Mom!" He said shocked and worried. He pulled out the water bottle from his pocket. He held her head up gently while he poured some water into her mouth. She coughed a little before taking the water happily and drank some. She looked up at her son weakly. "So--Sonic....Tai--." Sonic ignored what she began to say. "Mom I need to get you back to the base." His mom blacked out. Sonic picked up the frail Hedgehog in his hands. The hot desert like wind scraping his face. He began the trek back from where he came. Only one thing on his mind. "Stay with me mom.... c'mon stay with me." He began running afraid that his mom wasn't going to make it. The wind continued to scrape the Hedgehogs face. The sun still beating over head. He was uncomfortable yes but he didn't care about that right now all that mattered was getting  mom safe. He saw Shadows base in the distance. He came up onto it quickly. Before he knew it he was rasping on the front door waiting for someone to open it. When he heard the click he pushed past the door and down the hallway. "Where is the doctor?!" Sonic yelled at the guard. "Down the hall to your left." He replied. Sonic continued to run down the long corridor. Passing by many rooms, including his own. He could see the sign above the hallway. It showed an arrow pointing to the left that said Hospital. Sonic took a left and ran down, once again, a long corridor before coming up onto glass doors. He pushed them open forcefully grabbing the nurses attention. "Can I help---."  Sonic interrupted the nurse. "She needs help I found her out in the desert sand, I don't know how long she had been out there for!" The nurses eyes got wide she ran to a side room and pulled out a rolling bed. "Set her here, I'll take her straight to the doctor ." Sonic set his mom on the bed and held her hand. She opened her eyes slightly. "Sonic you....need need to get Tails....they have Tails." Sonic looked down at his mom. "I know Mom but what about you?" The nurse began rolling the bed down the hallway.  "I'll be fine Sonic, you need to hurry! I saw them take Tails....and who knows what Eggman will do to him!" The doors to the hallway closed shut, signifying that their conversation was over. Sonic ran out the doors of the hospital and looked back towards where he just came from. His mom was going to be okay. He knew that. He looked across the horizon. The black smoke vagely noticable. He was going to get Tails back. "I'm coming Tails.....I'm coming."

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