If you could only imagine (continued)

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(sorry guys thought this part of the chapter was posted, apparently,silly me, put it into a new chapter. Woops! Please enjoy and I should probably warn you......Smut.)

Sonic continued rubbing up against Tails. The feeling was so great. It had been an hour now and Sonic was enjoying himself. As was Tails. Sonic put his condom on and pushed his lovers legs up so they were resting up on his shoulders. "Are you sure you ready Tails?" Sonic said concerned. "It may hurt." Tails nodded. Sonic drooled into his hand and began stroking. He slowly pushed on Tails's entrance. Tails let out a soft pleasureful moan. Sonic pushed a little farther. Getting a gasp in return. He didn't want to hurt the fox. "Are you okay?" Sonic asked wanting to continue badly, but concerned for Tails. He could hardly contain hinself. "Don't stop now." Tails said through gritting teeth. Sonic pushed farther this time getting another moan from Tails as his back arched up in pleasure. Sonic hit the spot. Sonic continued his back and forth motion. Enjoying the little gasps and moans escaping from his lovers mouth. Sonic felt himself climaxing. He began speeding up. Sweat trickled down his face. He moaned loudly. Tails moaned as well. He was going to......Sonic let out a huge groan stopping and arching his back. Tails doing the same. Sonic's face was splattered with what felt like......syrup? Sonic fell over onto his fox breathing hard. He slowly pulled out of his lover. Another moan escaping his mouth. He looked up into Tails's eyes. Those saphire blue eyes. He was breathing heavy. Tails smiled. "I--love--you." He said in between breaths. Sonic reached up and kissed the fox. "I love you too." They layed their breathing a while. Letting there bodies touch each other. Sonic finnaly got up. "Well that was fun, but I think it's time for a shower." Tails smirked and blushed and grabbed his lovers hand. It was fun, so fun he knew he wanted to do it again soon. They slowly made their way to the bathroom. That night was one to remember. And they both knew it.

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