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Tails felt himself being dragged. His capturers had put a bag over his head. It made it harder to breath but he understood why they did it. He felt like he was living in a movie or something,. These things never usually happened in the real world.....or maybe they did and Tails just didn't know. His body hurt all over. He had tried to put up a fight but either received a kick in the side or a punch to the face. Tails could feel the dry blood on his face still. The floor was made out of some kind of polished concrete. He had been dragged for what felt like hours until he was thrown down on the ground in front of someone. He tried moving his hands but they were still tied together. Someone took the bag off his head. The light blinded him for the moment. He felt so sick. He hadn't had anything to eat in hours And he was dieing of thirst! He looked up not really able to see much but an ovalish figure. "You miss your father?" Tails eyes got wide. His vision became clearer. He could finally see who was behind this massacre. None other then his foster parent. Eggman. Tails looked at the cruel ruler. "What do you want!?" Tails said with a little force. A hand came across his face leaving a streak of red blood. "Is that anyway to treat someone who took you in when no one wanted you?" Eggman chuckled. "So I hear you joined the Air Force and made some friends. One in particular catches my eye. That blue fast fellow of yours." "You leave Sonic alone!" Tails said angirly. Eggman laughed. "I don't plan on killing him!" Eggman said with a grin. "What kind of man would I be." Tails knew what Eggman was capable of. He wasn't buying the act. "You see me and that little annoying pinapple go back way before you were in the picture." Tails looked at Eggman confusingly. "What the hell do you mean?" Eggman had that same devious smirk across his face. "Me and Sonic have known each other since day one of his existence. My family and his family go back generations....." Tails took this all in. "So how does that have to do anything with me." "Shut up, I'm telling a story you yellow mutant." Eggman continued. "My grandfather killed his father after a long battle. Sonic's father wanted to protect his wife and child so he sacrificed himself. Noble hedgehog. When my grandfather couldn't find the other two hedgehogs he built a biomobian called Shadow. His work was a success but the Mobian had grown emotions and feelings. Things it shouldn't have. So my grandfather and me built Metal Sonic to your right there as a better improved weapon. I still have him search for them And guess what, he found one." Eggman laughed whole heartedly. Tails looked at the ground ashamed of what his life had become. "You have posed to be very problematic lately. You bombed many important factories. I think you deserve a time out." Eggman looked over at the metal hedgehog. "Take him to the cells." Metal Sonic nodded. He picked up the weary fox. Tails had a headache. All this information had just been put into his head. Metal Sonic and Tails began walking back when Eggman said something, something Tails would never forget. "Oh and by the way Tails......I know how your parents died....." Tails looked at Eggman curious to find out how or where his blood parents died. Eggman snickered. "I know......because I'm the one who killed them." Eggman laughed evilly. Tails tried ripping out of the rope. His blood boiling. He was gonna kill Eggman. A metal fist came across his face. All Tails could see was darkness.

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