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"Amy what are you talking about?" Sonic said looking at the green gem in the fox's hands. "Wait is this about the emerald?" Sonic said confused. Amy laughed. "What do you think this is about?" She said still holding the gun up. "Now go get the emerald from Tails." Sonic looked at the fox. Tears forming in his eyes. Sonic walked over slowly until he was about five feet away from the fox. "Sonic I can't let you take the emerald." Tails said wispering underneath his breath. Sonic didn't understand why the fox wouldn't give it up. "Tails--." Sonic was about to say when the door he had arrived from swung open. Sonic, Tails, and Amy all turned their attention. Blaze walked in pointing her gun up at Amy. "Wheres the Emerald you pink bitch!?" The cat moved closer to the pink hedgehog who still had her gun positioned to fire at Sonic. "I don't have it, look over there." Blaze followed the pink hedgehogs gaze. The door slammed open again. This time a bat revealing herself and pointing the gun at the Cat. "Nice try you slippery son of a---." She noticed all the other people in the room. "What the hell is going on?" Everyone stood, guns pointing and questions being blurted out. Tails yelled for the room to quiet. "Everybody shut the hell up!" Everyone stared at the fox. All still with their guns up and anger and confusion in their eyes. "Everyone here is all fitting to take the same thing, the emerald. Who were you guys all planning to give it too?" Rouge scoffed and spoke up. "I don't know who, someone emailed me about a week ago, before I met that blue hedgehog over there, about wanting the emerald in exchange for millions of Mobian dollars." Blaze looked astounded. "Thats the same reason why I'm here, I got the same email! She said confused. Amy spoke up. " As did I, What the Fuck is going on?" She said. Tails still held the emerald in his hand. Something wasn't adding up. Sonic could tell there was something on the fox's mind. "Someone emailed all of you wanting the same thing, why? Also what is so important about this emerald anyway?" Sonic said gesturing towards the emerald in Tails's hand. They all looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "I don't ask questions." Blaze said. "It never crossed my mind." Amy and Rouge said similar things as well. Tails moved forward a bit. "This emerald is not just any kind of gem, it's very powerful and if its in the wrong hands---." Someone interrupted the fox. "Then the world could end as we know it." Everyone noticed the other fox lifting herself off the ground. Blood running down her face. "I know who sent those emails." She said holding herself up with the desk the computer laid upon. "Who?" Amy said looking dead eyed at the female fox. "I know who sent them because I'm the one who did." Everyone put their gun down. "Wha-?" Blaze and Rouge said at the same time. Tails was confused at first but then realized her reason for doing so. "You know what power this holds, and you figured if you could get it out of this place....." Tails began. "Then it would be safe and I could have someone take it somewhere far away from here." Grace finished. Sonic understood and so did the others. "Something doesn't add up though." Sonic said realizing. "If you knew that these three," sonic pointed at the bat, hedgehog, and cat. "Would come and try taking it, then why did they meet so much resistance, plus security was pretty rough. It was as if Eggman knew you guys were coming." Grace shook her head in agreement. "Yes, something isn't adding up..." "Thats because I knew all along you dumb mobians." A voice sounded overhead. Doors from all around burst open. Security with rifles surrounded the little group of mobians. Guns pointed in every direction towards the little group. All fell quiet. A clicking noise was heard. Like boots hitting a cement bottomed floor. A break in the security circle formed. Revealing the voice that was to familiar to the mobian group. Eggman. "You see this was all part of my one big scheme of things." Eggman said smiling. "From point A, to point B." Tails held the emerald close to him. He wasn't giving it up. Eggman continued. "I have the emerald, the fastest, smartest, and slyest Mobians alive." Eggman teased. "Now, all that is left to do...." his voice faded off. "Apprehend each one of them, I have a good place for each one of them." He laughed deviously. The wind still blew overhead from the opened hatch. One of the security guards pulled on Tails's shoulder. "Let go of me!" Tails yelled. he dropped the emerald, it clanked on the floor like a dinner bell calling the kids home. Eggman's attention turned toward the emerald as he picked it up. "trying to steal this where you?" Eggman teased and laughed deviously. Tails looked at Sonic.

Sonic knew that look. That look never meant something good. Tails pushed the guards off of him and grabbed a smoke bomb off their belt. He threw it down before running towards Eggman. Smoke hissed out filling the room. Bullets began being fired. A loud rumbling sounded. "It's the nuke! Everybody get out of here!" He heard Grace say. Sonic made his way through the smoke. "Tails! Tails!" Sonic yelled. A bullet grazed his arm. He yelled in pain. "So-Sonic." He head a faint voice say. He followed the sound. "TAILS! TAILS!!" Sonic yelled. "We have to go!" A voice said grabbing his arm. It was a fox. "Tails?" Sonic said running towards the door. He could barely make out the door and the fox. They pushed open the door. Sonic coughed and looked around. Blaze, Rouge, And......Tails? The fox turned around. Not Tails....Grace. "Where is Tails?' Sonic asked. Grace looked into the fog and back at the hedgehog. The rumbling got louder. Sonic knew what he had to do. "I'm coming Tails...." "Wait Sonic!!" Grace yelled before the hedgehog disappeared into the fog.....

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