Five Minutes

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Sonic had been sitting in the room for quite a long time now. He knew Eggman had plans to try and get Tails to join him, but Tails must not help the murderous dictator. Sonic sat thinking what to do. He heard the conversation happening outside his door. He recognized both voices as well, Eggman's and one he had not heard in a long while. Tails. The door slowly opened, the fox walked in, tears streaming down his face. The door shut behind him. Sonic got up not sure what to do. It had been forever since he had been this close to the fox. It was like meeting your neatest friend after years of being apart. Tails ran over to the hedgehog embracing him in a huge hug. Sonic returned it a tear streaming down his face. "Sonic, I thought you might have died and then when I heard you were alive I knew Eggman must have had you and then I thought Eggman did something to you and--." Sonic cut the poor little fox off.  "Shhh. It's okay Tails. I'm here. I'm alive. It's okay." Tails' sobbing began to stop. This moment should have lasted a lifetime but sadly they had only five minutes. Tails looked up into the hedgehog's eyes. The emerald greens he loved so much. He kissed him with all the love he had. Sonic fell backward onto the bed, kissing the fox back. It really was pure love at its finest moment. Nothing could separate the two, not until those five minutes were up. Sonic held the fox closer on top of him. He never wanted to let him go. Never. Sonic knew though he never got to pick what he wanted. Tails pulled away slowly looking into the hedgehog's eyes. A couple minutes had already gone by. "I love you Sonic." Sonic smiled at the fox lovingly. "I love you more Tails." Tails laughed. "No, I love you more. I'm Tails so don't even think about arguing with me." Sonic smiled and rubbed their noses together. They laid there in silence for a moment until Sonic noticed the fox starting to tear up again. He was about to say something when Tails pulled something out of his pocket. It was a picture of some sort. Sonic looked at it and laughed. It was a picture of him and tails. Sonic putting his two fingers above Tails' head. Sonic loved that picture, and so did Tails apparently. Tails handed the picture to Sonic. "Sonic I want you to have it." Tails said smiling. Sonic knew what was going on. "Tails what deal did you make with Eggman?" Tails was about to say something when the door creaked open. Tails rolled over onto the side of the bed. "Times up!" Eggman said laughing. Sonic got up. "You're not taking Tails away from me." Eggman laughed. "Your right. I'm not." Two robots came in taking both arms of the hedgehog. "Wha--," Sonic said confused and looking over at Tails for an answer. Tails looked at Sonic with tears. Eggman chuckled. "He didn't tell you? Well, I guess you guys only had five minutes anyway. It's not him we are taking away, it's you." Tails looked at the hedgehog. Sonic looked for an explanation in the fox's eyes. "Sonic, I'm sorry. I love you too much to let you stay here and get hurt. Let alone you have a mother waiting for you at home and the world needs you." Sonic shook his head at the fox's speech. "I need you Tails, how am I suppose to live a life without you?" Tails walked over and put his hand up the hedgehogs face tears still streaming down like a waterfall. He wiped a tear off of sonic's beautiful face. "I'll always be with you Sonic, I know its hard but I promise I'm coming back." Sonic knew that Tails couldn't keep this promise. "Tails I'm not going without you..." Sonic let the tears run from his eyes down his face. Tears of sorrow and loss. He had gone all over hell to find and save this fox just for the fox to do the same and save him. "I love you Sonic. So so much. So much so, it's indescribable. There isn't a word in the dictionary that can express it." Tails nodded, a tear falling to the ground. It splattered like an explosion of water. "Be strong for me Sonic." "Alright! Alright! Enough of this mushy gushy stuff. Guards make sure he is thrown out the door and does not come back in." Eggman said gesturing the robots to take the blue hedgehog away. Sonic fought his way out of the guards grasps. He was about to begin spin dashing when he heard a click. Sonic spun around. Tails looked at the hedgehog sorrowfully. A gun pointed at his head. Eggman frowned. Any smart moves or little tricks and the fox gets it." Sonic stopped his heart hurting. There was nothing he could do. He looked over at Tails one last time. That beautiful mobian he loved to call his. The golden fur, the ocean blue eyes, the two adorable tails. He was gonna come back for the fox. The guards dragged the hedgehog out of the room. Right before they made it down the corridor Sonic heard one last thing come from the room. "Your time is up fox." *Bam*

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