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Tails watched as his tears fell to the floor. The cement stained with drops of blood. His whole body hurt. Everyinch. He looked at the two Hedgehogs who kept providing this unbearable pain. He began to close his eyes. He was so tired. "Wake up Fox!" A hand came across his face. He opened his eyes. "Amy....why are you doing this?.....this is not who you are." Amy slapped the foxs face again, this time leaving a streak of blood in her wake. "You took everything from me! My boyfriend! My popularity! My honor!" She walked off to the back. The light shining right in Tails's eyes. He had lost track of how much time had gone by. A day maybe? An hour? It felt like a lifetime. Something booted up. Tails knew what was to come next. His whole body shot forward in pain. Electricity shooting through every nerve and muscle. He screamed. It's all he could do. The torture stopped abruptly. "I'm gonna ask you one last time, Where is Sonic?" The metal voice said. Tails looked at the ground again. Knowing that he wouldn't say a thing and that this might be it. Metal Sonic walked up. "Amy go tell Doctor Eggman that the trial was a fail." Amy smiled and nodded. "I'm finnaly gonna get some justice." She said before exiting out of a side door. It slammed behind her. Tails listened to the slow drip of water. It hit the ground making little splatters similar to the red ones near it. Tails heard a click sound. He looked up at the piece of metal in his face. A hole to stare into. "I'm gonna ask you one last time.....Where is that blue freak?" Tails smiled. "Metal, did you know that the World contains over seven billion people?" Metal Sonic looked irritated but listened. "Every person you kill... including me is killing the future." Metal Sonic stuck the gun against the fox's forhead. "I don't want no bullshit sob story.....tell me--." Tails interrupted. "Today killed the cure to killed world killed killed killed children.....and for what?" Metal Sonic yelled. "Shut the fuck up! You don't think I know what we are doing! I will rule this world and I will kill anybody who gets in my Eggman." Tails stared blankly. "The future of those people do not belong to you. They belong to can shoot me now and I'll die here but Sonic will stop you.....he will come for you and he will put an end to this." Metal Sonic pushed slowly on the lever. "Sweet dreams.....Tails."
Tails closed his eyes. This was the second time he seemed to be faced with death. It was a horrid feeling. Knowing you were gonna have to leave your loved ones. Tails was prepared. Death seemed to follow him where ever he went. Tails was just about to accept his fate when the wall beside him blew up into a million pieces. Bricks flew everywhere. The light shattered to the floor. Smoke was everywhere. Gunshots were exchanged back and forth. The Metal Hedgehog shot back slowly being engulfed in the smoke. Something began untieing his arms....then his legs. He felt so weak. "Come with me, be quiet....." The female voice said. Tails fell to the ground, he got up and began limping towards the opening in the wall. "We are almost there." The voice said. Tails could feel the fur of the woman. Silky and smooth.....almost like.....almost like a....... cat. Tails could here metal Sonic yell in frustration. "I'm not letting you take him alive!" He heard another gunshot. This one meeting a mark. Tails winced in pain. He looked at the light shining ahead. His eyes got droopy he took his hand away from his abdomen. His fur was red. Stained with blood. He looked forward. "Keep going...." The voice said. He felt himself being helped. He could hear metal Sonic yelling and cursing. Not being able to find his way through the thick smoke. Tails began to close his eyes. He was so exhausted.....So tired. He just needed to nap....just a little nap. "Stay with me Tails.... c'mon stay with me...." Tails fell onto the ground. The blood splattering everywhere. The ground was suprisingly comfy. He felt himself get hoisted back up. He was practically being dragged to wherever his captor was taking him. He felt something cold touch his side. It felt like metal. The metal was rubbling. It sounded sorta like a......a engine. Tails couldn't see. The smoke was messing with his eyesight. He felt himself get hoisted up onto the metal. "He lost a lot of blood....but if we get him back in time...he could make it." Tails tried to see the woman who was speaking...and who she was speaking to. He felt a hand rest upon his shoulder, a white glove with something blue on it. He tried looking back to whom ever was touching him. "We are going to get you somewhere safe Tails.....I promise." This voice was different from the woman's. Tails tried to say something but was to out of energy. He let his eyes drift..... slowly.....he heard one last thing before he fell into that deep sleep... A sound of panic. He didn't care, he was tired. He listened as the darkness over came him...... "We are loosing him."

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