Cruesome Truth

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Tails made his way towards the armory. He ducked behind whatever he could find. Sometimes a barrel or rock. He listened as the soldiers shouted orders. Sometimes a gunshot heard, splitting the air. A woman screamed. Tails knew what that scream was of.....death. he made his way around the armory building. Forgetting all about what he was going to do. He looked in horror at the sight layed like a blanket before him. Miles of small shanty houses with hundreds maybe even thousands of people. Starved, sick, and dieing. That's all Tails could see. He directed his attention to a woman to the left. She was holding something. Tails crouched behind some crates to get a better look. She was holding a boy. Couldn't have been more than seven years old. She looked around, hoping something or someone would help save her already dead son. A soldier came by and threw the woman off. She tried running back to the boy but was restrained by a couple soldiers. The one soldier picked up the body and threw it into a ditch. It smelled horrible. Dried blood everywhere. Blood of the innocent. Tears dripping to the ground. Dead bodies everywhere. Tails had read about these things but to see it in person made him sick. He watched as the woman struggled in the grasp of the soldiers wailing out and weeping. The soldier who threw the boy into the ditch turned around. *Bang* The woman fell to the ground, blood pooling around her dead body. The two soldiers looked at each other then picked up the body. Throwing the once living breathing woman into the ditch with her son. Tails turned his head and puked. No one deserved treatment like one. The woman had been crying over her lost son and her payment for doing so was to join her son. Tails watched as the mass graves filled up with bodies of innocent people. He noticed some of the bodies had been stripped of their belongings. Tails watched in horror as soldiers lined up weak frail men, woman, and children all along the ditch. He noticed some held hands, some cried, some swore, but they all had one thing in common.....fate. Tails watched as rounds went flying and met their marks. Each body like a domino. Kids. Women. Men. All killed for what? Tails got angry. He looked out at all the mistreatment, the horror, the reality of it all. He went back around the armory door and tried pulling the lever. Locked. He looked around. He noticed some crates nearby that read something.

Highly explosive
Handle with Care

Tails smiled. He dragged a few crates over. Looking back and forth just in case someone was watching him. He set the crates on top of each other in front of the door. He grabbed something out of his pocket. A lighter. He set one of the crates on fire and ran back towards the cell. Any second the crates would blow and reaveal what hidden treasures we're in the armory. Tails watched and waited patiently. His reward being given to him by a bang! Sirens went off all around. Soldiers shouted in confusion. Tails ran back over. He made his way through the blast through the wall. He looked around and that's when he made eye contact with the one thing he wanted. He looked at the beast that looked above him in all of it's glory. A tank. Tails smiled. He was gonna get these people out of here. Wether he was going to have to fight like hell to or not. He heard more shouting and clamoring. He made his way towards the vehicle. Bullets began showering around him. He open the hatch and hopped in. The controls and everything were close and similar to those of a plane. He smiled as the thing powered on. "Eggman." He said proudly. "I'm coming for better run."

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