Old Aquaintance

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Tails drove the tank out of the building. Soldiers shouted and screamed all around. Tails moved a lever the tanks long nose facing right towards the wall. *Blam* the whole tank shook from the release of the arcenal. The south wall crumbled. The workers look around confused. Not sure what to do. He could hear something being yelled outside. "R....G!" Tails heard the sound of what seemed to be a plane or rocket. He put his ear up against the wall! "RPG! RPG!" Tails looked through the binoculars at the incoming missle. He quickly made his way to the back and opened the door. The tank shook and threw the two tailed fox onto the ground the huge hunk of metal burning behind him. His vision went blurry. He tried to get up. Something blue came over. "Sonic?" Tails's vision returned. "Someone has been causing us quite a problem." The metal Hedgehog took his shoe and slammed it into the foxs face.

Tails woke up somewhere dark and gloomy. It seemed to be similar to the last cell but there was a light shining in his face. He tried moving but was tied up against something. His arms and feet were tied to some kind of wire. "He tried tilting his head to get a better glimpse at what was happening. He could here some murmuring from behind the light. "Who is there?" Tails asked coldly. He didn't receive a reply. He tried to look around and see what was all in the room but the light was blinding him. Something moved from the corner of his eye. He tried to look over but was met with a hand across the face. "Hey when can we start torturing the bastard?" The female voice said. Tails thought the voice had been strikingly familiar. He listened closely. "Metal! Can you hear me?! I said when can we-." "Shut up!" Came the metallic voice. Obviously Metal Sonic. The female voice got angry. "Your gonna see what real pain feels like fox." Tails thought he knew who the person was. He couldn't believe it though. It wasn't possible. How could she of..... Something broke his train of thought. "Well, well, well I'm suprised Eggman still wanted you after all the damage you caused." Metal Sonic said with a grin. He moved closer to the fox's face. "Where is Sonic?" Tails grinned. "You think I'm gonna tell you that?" Tails said scoffing. "Your dumber then you look." Metal wiped the grin off his face. "I'm gonna extract the information out of you, no matter what I have to do." He pulled away and went back towards the light. He spoke with someone to the side. Tails noticed that during that conversation the woman to his right had walked away. He thought of how all of this happened. He was supposed to be at home with Sonic right now. Planning on what they were going to do for the rest of their lives. Tails watched as a siloutte of a Hedgehog came forward. "Welcome to hell Tails." Tails snickered and smiled. He was right. "Long time no see......Amy."

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