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Sonic tried fighting his way through the soldiers arms. It was no use. They were to strong. He let the tears fall. His fox was dead.....Sonic began to lose all hope when an idea came into his head. "Wait a minute, Eggman said he needed Tails alive." He thought. He realised what the evil menace had done. "I'm being played like a fool, Eggman did something with Tails." Sonic let the soldiers drag him down the elevator. He hoped he was right. He watched as the iron doors opened into the lobby area where the women continued to sit at the desk. Unfazed by the whole situation. Something seemed different about the woman though. He watched the woman fiddle with something underneath the desk. The soldiers continued pushing the hedgehog along vigorously. He watched as the doors got closer and closer. Any second he would be thrown out with no way back in. His beloved fox stuck in here for, as far as he knew, all of eternity. Something popped. Sonic felt the grips on his arms loosen completely. Two thumps sounded upon the ground. He looked at the two soldiers bodies lying in pools of blood upon the freshly polished floor. Sonic turned around to meet his savior. The woman at the desk. He knew it was someone different. The cat-like mobian pointed put the gun down in an epic fashion. "Your Sonic?" She said with little expression. He nodded. "Come with me, we need to hurry." She pressed the button to the elevator. Sonic stood their dumbfounded. Did this cat just help him? The elevator opened, she turned around. "Are you gonna stand there in awe or are you coming?" Sonic snapped out of it and walked towards the elevator. He walked back into the iron box as the golden doors closed in front of him. He listened as the elevator made it's slow rise. "Whats your name?" Sonic asked the Cat Mobian. She looked over at the hedgehog with the same none amused and expressionless look. "Blaze." Sonic smiled. "Well thanks Blaze I appreciate--." She held up her hand. "I'm not here for you, I'm here for the emerald." Sonic looked confused at Blaze. "Why do you want the emerald so bad?" She didn't say a thing. The elevator reached its destination. Where the hedgehog had been moments before. The doors creaked open. Sonic walked out to be faced with the same empty corridor. Blaze followed close behind dotting her eyes. Anything could come out of anywhere. Sonic passed by the many rooms. All with the same similar doors. He had to be sure of something. He began to walk into the room where Tails had been when an explosion rocked the whole building. Sonic looked behind him. A blast in the wall. Blaze took cover behind a table that was in the hallway. Sonic stood in the doorway and squinted his eyes at the fog. Something was coming out of it. He noticed two wings taking form. A gunshot filled the air. The bat took cover behind a potted plant. "What is Rouge doing here?" Sonic thought to himself. Sirens began going off everywhere. Red lights flashed overhead. He went over to Blaze. "Why are you shooting at her?" Blaze looked at Sonic like he was the dumbest thing to come after a rock. "She is part of the conspiracy. She wants the Emerald." Sonic nodded. "She told me that." Blaze fired a few more rounds down the hallway. "You know her!?" Blaze pointed the gun at Sonic. Sonic held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. "Woah Woah Woah, hey now we are all friends here." Blaze shook her head. "I came this far and I'm not gonna let some blue ass hedgehog ruin it for me." A door opened down the hall. Soldiers began flooding out. They began heading down both directions. Obviously knowing that the cat, bat, and hedgehog were all there. Gunshots flew overhead. Blaze turned her attention back to the fight in front of her. Sonic took his chance. He opened a door to the right and slammed it shut. It locked behind him suddenly. The cat pounded on the door. "Open up, I'm not letting you ruin this mission for me!" Sonic ignored the cat. More gunfire sounded behind the door. "Shit." He heard the cat say. He heard her return more gunfire. Sonic looked down at the staircase before him. It was damp and moist. The air was cold and so where the bars to hold onto. The staircase looked like it spiraled forever down. A dim little light at the bottom. It was dark, damp, and cold. "A fire would be nice about now." Sonic said rubbing his arms. He began his long journey down the staircase. Not knowing what was at the bottom.....

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