Job Practice

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Sonic was so happy him and the fox....well you know. Sonic had never been so happy in his life. He was going to have a job, with his lover; which was a plus, he had the love of his life, and they would stay together forever. Sonic had begun learning the moment they got to the Air Force Base. Tails only left Sonic's side when he had an errand to do. He laughed every time Sonic messed up and smiled everytime he got something right. Sonic, suprisingly, started enjoying the job. He was sure that since he spoke to Tails on every one of his runs and the job was closely nitted to Tails was the main reasons but he also felt a sense of worth for helping people and the common good. It gave him a warm feeling, but not as great of a warm feeling as he got when Tails gave him a smirk with his lustful eyes. God his eyes were so beautiful.

Tails walked over his hips swaying back and forth. He was totally naked and Sonic could see Tails had a hard on. Sonic became suddenly hard and watched as Tails made his way to Sonic with that irresistible smirk. Tails rubbed up against Sonic's erection making him moan. "Sonic?" Tails said looking into the hedgehog's eyes. "Sonic?" His vision started becomeing blurry.

Sonic woke up from the daydream. He was bulging from the erection, he tried hiding he had one. "Damn, thought that was real." The radio went off again. "Sonic!?" Tails said loudly. "This is the one and only." Sonic said after pushing some buttons. The hedgehog had fallen asleep on accident before. "You dreaming about me again?" Tails said. Sonic knew the fox was smirking. "Well if your military sleep schedule met my body schedule we wouldn't be having this problem." Sonic said chuckling to himself. "And what makes you think I was dreaming about you?" Tails came back with a good answer. "well first off your hand was on the lever, second of all that means your moaning could be heard on my squads station. I hope you were dreaming about me or else I have to beat someone's ass." Sonic blushed embarrassed. "Damn the whole squadron heard me." He turned the lever again. "Alright you got me Tails." He could hear Tails laughing on the other end. Sonic sat back in his swirvy chair. Tomorrow was the big day. The day Tails went on his bombing raid. There had been a terrorist leader working in the depths of the forest. It was in Mobian boundaries too. No one actually knew who the terrorists or single terrorist was but whoever it was had stollen a great amount of machinery and parts from a nearby town and then burned it to the ground. After tomorrow it was just him and the fox against the world. Sonic heard the planes overhead making their last round before landing. He got up and walked out of the little office. It was in the back of the hanger but it was nice. He got to see his brave little fox drive the jet into the hanger. Just the sight of his lover made him smile and giggle. Sonic heard the planes land one by one. They slowly parked the planes into the spots. Tails was always last. He made sure that others came before himself, still the same kind, loyal fox that Sonic loved. The others plane drivers made their way out of the hanger. Tails finally pulled the plane in and shut the engine off. Sonic had been out earlier buying something for the fox. He was going to wait till tonight after dinner. He wanted it to be a surprise. Sonic smirked at the thought of what he had bought his lover. Tails jumped out of the plane and headed over to the hedgehog kissing him in a sort of embrace. Sonic returned the favor, getting a hard on once again. Tails pulled away slowly. "So what's the plan for today?" Tails said smiling. "Well since your free the rest of the evening I thought we could have dinner along the beach side by the end if the freeway." Tails smiled. "I'd love that." Sonic grinned and walked into his office to punch his time card in. He returned and walked with Tails. "Alright so I'll buy the things for dinner and you can watch." Sonic said laughing. Tails looked at the hedgehog sincerely. Sonic wanted tonight to be special and he knew it was. He knew something Tails didn't, something that could change their lives forever.

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