A Deal with the Devil

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Sonic slammed his fists on the table. Eggman had his mom! What the hell was going on. His father help start the this rebellion? Why was he never told. Shadow looked across the desk. Unamused by the Hedgehog's presence. "Sorry for your--." Sonic cut Shadow off. "I'm getting my mom back, wether you like it or not." Sonic got up and moved towards the door. "You faker! You really think you can take on Eggman? Do you know the things he does to people? First he took our first hope of winning this battle and know we are gonna loose our second!" Sonic had his hand on the doorknob. "First chance? Second? What do you mean?" Sonic asked confused. Knuckles and Rouge looked at him like he had asked the dumbest question ever. "Sonic our first chance was a bombing raid. A fox my the name of Tails was suppose to carry it out but was shot down before any damage could be done, and now our second chance is to have you lead an army to crush him......we are running out of options here." Sonic let go of the doorknob. The metuoned name of his lost lover still ringing through his ears. "Tails." He said a tear streaming down his face. He walked back over and leaned up against the chair. "First I'm finding my mom.....second I'm finding Tails....then will we take Eggman down.....Deal?" Sonic held out his hand d to the black and red Hedgehog who folded his hands together in a thinking manner. "Alright Faker......you got yourself a deal." Shadow held out his hand in a deal making gesture. Sonic took it and they shook on it. "Alright first order of business!" Sonic said smiling. "Ah ah ah, nice try faker. I'm still the boss here, I make the decisions." Sonic rolled his eyes. Shadow noticed and sighed. "Let's just get you some things. I want you to in and out. No noise.....no hassle." So I nodded and went back to opening the door. "welcome to the cause." He heard Shadow say right before he closed the door behind him. Sonic looked down the corridor. He needed to get something to eat then some clothes and water. He had a long journey ahead of him....and he knew it. He followed the dark damp corridor. Doors and the occasional window passing him by. He didn't know exactly what he was doing but he knew what he had to do. Sonic read the sign above. Cafeteria. He was starving and a meal sounded great. He walked in expecting to see a ton of people but was met with a small few. "We have been using everyone.....not a soul to spare." Sonic looked around to see Rouge standing there. "Mind if I aquaint you?" She asked walking over to the bar and telling the cook what to put on her plate. Sonic walked over. The food was all the same color, hell it was All the same in general. He just asked for a little of something to his right that looked to be the same as the stuff to his left. The cook nodded his head a splattered the food onto the plate. He gave it to Sonic. Sonic smelled the food. Smelled actually pretty good, which suprised the Hedgehog. He sat down across from Rouge who smiled. "So your the famed Hedgehog the town's have been speaking of?" She took a bite of her food. Sonic did the same not sure how to answer to such a question. He knew Rouge was trying to hint at something though. "What do you want?" Sonic asked rudely. She looked at the blue hedgehog and smirked. "Who said I want anything?" Sonic rolled his eyes. "Well?" Rouge sat back in her chair and crossed one of her legs over the other. "When this is all over I want you to give me the one thing Eggman keeps close." Sonic looked at the bat confused. "And what may that be?" Rouge stared into nothingness to the right. She crouched down so as no one could hear. "I want the chaos emerald." She said quietly. "And why should I do that?" Sonic asked crossing his arms. "Because if you do.....I can tell you where your mom is." Sonic leaned forward thinking. Something about this choas emerald really racked his memory. Rouge held her hand out in agreement. "Deal?" Sonic thought about what he was doing. This choas emerald really had some kind of importance. "Deal." He said shaking her hand....little did he know.......he just shook hands with the devil.

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