Mobius will Mourn

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Tails started up the plane. Sonic waved to him from the right. Smiling. That smile Tails loved most. The smile that could change any mood....the smile that would change their lives forever. Tails waved back and blew the hedgehog a kiss. He had to leave the love of his life one more time. Then everything would be great again. Tails pushed his levers and some buttons the plane began jerking forward. He waved to his fiance not knowing that it would be the last. The last kiss.....the last tears......the last time.....the last. Tails kept going on his way. He lifted the plane. It rising to the sky his teammates right behind him. "This is yellow foxtrot leader over. Please respond."

"Here you loud and clear Tails." Sonic thought about the life he was going to share with the fox. The good memories, the bond that would form, the love they would exchange...... Sonic sat back in his chair. After today his life would change forever.......if he only knew how......

Tails continued flying along. He looked at the clouds. Fluffy white, they made their way across the world. Seeing sights that not even the Mobian eye could see. It was beautiful. The sun rising from the horizon shimmering the sky with a burst of colors. The colors of a rainbow. He looked on, this was the last mission, then it was him and Sonic. "We are almost on target." Tails said smiling while pulling out of the clouds and down below them.

They were everywhere. Tails watched as the anti-aircraft guns shot up in the sky towards him. "Squadron abandon mission I repeat abandon mission, to many bogies on the ground." Tails tried pulling up. "We are coming to help yellow foxtrot leader. Over." The radio said. Tails picked it back up. "You don't leave those damn clouds, that's an order. I want a full time retreat."

Sonic listened carefully pulling the lever of the radio and speaking into it. "Tails get the hell out of there now. All squadrons leave the area immedietly the bogies are to great of a threat. Abandon mission." Sonic waited for a reply. "This is yellow foxtrot leader.......I've been hit."

Tails's plane wing had been hit. "Cmon, c'mon." He said trying to keep the balance of the plane. He was hit again with another piece of shrapnel. The plane made beeping noises all over. The plane began it's deathly decent. "This is yellow foxtrot leader, I'm going down.....repeat I am going down." Tails looked at the ground getting closer and closer to him. "Tails you need to get the hell out of that jet. I'm not loosing you." He heard Sonic say. Tails tried tugging on the eject seat but it was jammed. "Damn it." He said into the radio. "It's jammed." Tails knew there was no escaping this, right when his life was going right it was going to be taken away from him. He looked at the picture of his hedgehog on the dash. He touched it with some tears rolling down his face. Tears of sorrow and disappointment. He wanted his life with Sonic. It wasn't fair. He knew he only had a few minutes left before he would smash into the ground. Dead. "Sonic, I love you. I wish we could have done so much together.....I guess the world said it was my time to isn't fair but when is life? I'll always charish you in my heart and mind and I hope one day you will understand and do the same. See you around Sonic, may the world keep you close in it's grasps because it doesn't deserve you." Tails watched as the ground got closer then ever before. He took Sonic's picture and put it in his pocket. "well fate.....Hit me with your best shot."

Sonic screamed into the radio. "Tails! Tails! Damn it Tails your not leaving me! We have to figure out something!" Sonic got static from the other side. "No, he isn't gone. He can't be." Sonic slammed his fists on the radio. "You are not taking Tails from me!" He stopped and began weeping. Weeping of a lost lover. The weeping of the soul. The weeping of the knowing.... knowing that he was alone.... Sonic fell on the floor. His emotions taking him into troubled waters. "This fucking world just took the one thing I love from me." He continued to weep. The floor a mixture of blood from Sonics hands and tears of sorrow from lost life. "This is Foxtrot four we have confirmed that Yellow foxtrot leader is K.I.A. over, may Mobius morn over such a loss." Everything didn't matter. The love of his life was gone and he had nothing to live for. Nothing. Sonic would remember this day. The day the fucking world stole his precious jem away. He would remember. They were going to get married. Share their lives together. Be together till the end of days, but.....Tails days ended sooner then it should have.

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