One Moment To Late

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Sonic watched as a side wall of the complex blew off. The tree he held himself up against crumbled to the ground slowly. Falling like the brick in the complex wall. He watched as smoke filled the air. Something was going down. Alarms went off like crazy. This was Sonic's chance. He  began running towards the smoke. Gunshots flew through the air in a frenzy. He was enveloped by the white smoke. He coughed. Where was Tails? Sonic figured this had something to do with the fox. He searched through the smog. He couldn't see an inch in front of his face. He heard a familiar shouting. Metal Sonic. Sonic listened closely for any sign of the fox. He heard a woman say something. "Stay with me Tails....." Sonic followed the voice. He heard what sounded like an engine. He moved his arms through the air clumsly. He felt something cold. He was about to hoist himself up when he got a face full of exhaust. He fell back coughing uncontrollably. He listened as the sound of the vehicle dissipated into the distance. Sonic got up the smoke still thick and white. He was about to walk forward when he heard something. He turned around and was met with a fist to the face.

Sonic woke up in a dark room. He wasn't tied to anything or on any torture device. That was good. He felt the side of his face. It was sore from whatever had happened. Sonic got up out of the bed. Which also seemed quite odd. Most cells didn't have such comfortable beds. Sonic looked around the room. It was quite dark but he could make out a door with a little window in it. Something sounded above. "Good morning.... Hedgehog." Sonic froze in his place. That voice was so..... familiar. "First your father.....then your mother well who knows what happened to her....but" Eggman laughed maniacally. "Eggman." Sonic said coldly. "In the uh actually no I'm speaking through this little box but uh I'm still here." Eggman said. Sonic got angry quick, what had Eggman done with his beloved fox. "Where is Tails Egghead." Eggman laughed again. ,"Oh you didn't hear? He escaped just a couple hours ago.....and with some help of some friends." Eggman smirked behind the speaker. Sonic wasn't sure why Eggman was still in a good mood. He lost Tails! Why would Sonic be more valuable? Eggman laughed. "Now I have a bartering weapon too." So Tails was more important....but why? "What do you plan on doing with me Eggface?" Sonic said yelling towards the speaker. He heard Eggman chuckle. "Oh Hedgehog there is so much you don't I will sum it up for you......I need Tails to help me finish my new weapon. The newest and most accurate nuclear weapon." Sonic was taken aback. "And what makes you think he will help you?" There was a small laughter from the other end as well. "Because he would sacrifice anything for you, so if I threaten to kill you he will help me." Sonic looked at the ground. He knew the fox to well to know that Tails would sacrifice himself for Sonic. Sonic frowned. If Eggman was able to get his hands on a nuclear weapon who knows what chaos and destruction he would bring to the world. Let alone the people. "Where is he now?" Sonic asked. Eggman spoke into the speaker vigorously. "Enough questions, it's time for me to pay the fox a little phone call." Sonic listened as the speaker turned off. He wanted to believe the fox would know what to do. To make the right decision. Sonic knew to well though that Tails loved Sonic to death, at least he hoped. At least one good thing was coming out of all of this.....he would get to see Tails again sometime soon! Sonic looked around the room once again. This is obviously where he was going to be staying for a while. He stared at the wall. "Could be worse, he could of painted the whole place that ugly cream color he likes." He sat back in the bed. "And no bugs." He layed back. There was nothing he could really do. He could at least replenish his strength. He needed to be strong for the rough road ahead. Sonic sighed. "What the hell happened." He said thinking of how his and Tails's life was supposed to have been. He closed his eyes, suprised by his sudden tiredness, it had been a long time since he slept. He listened to the water trickling from the cieling onto the floor, it's little tune like a lullyby. Sonic continued to listen to the water as he quickly fell into a deep sleep......

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