Love with No Borders

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(Hope you guys love the chapter!)

Tails woke up in the hospital bed. "Hey my love, how are you doing?" Tails stared into Sonics eyes. "Better now that you're here." Sonic reached down and held his fox. "I thought I had lost you." "Its gonna take more than a little bullet wound to kill me." Tails grinned. "What happened to Eggman? And the emerald?" Sonic frowned. "After I beat Eggheads face in he pushed me off and ran away. We still haven't found him for the emerald..." Sonic pulled the green gem out of his pocket. Tails's eyes got huge. "Sonic! You know how many people would kill you for that thing! Put it away!" Tails said shoving it back into the hedgehogs pocket. Sonic smiled. "Glad to see you care about my well being." Tails smirked. He grabbed the hedgehog and kissed him. Lips that were velvety and soft. Tails pulled back looking into the hedgehogs eyes. "Of course I care for your well being." Sonic smiled. " So what do we do from here?" Tails asked. Sonic thought about that question for a moment. "Well, first I move in with you....." He said with a playful smirk. Tails rolled his eyes playfully. "I mean with the emerald." Sonic messed with it in his pocket. "We need to get rid of it that's for sure....." Tails shifted around. "Well let's first get me out of this darn hospital, I just get a weird vibe from being in here." Tails tried getting out of the bed. "Ah ah ah." Sonic said getting up. "You need to rest." Tails looked at the hedgehog with an eyebrow raised. "And what makes you think I'm gonna do that?" Sonic smiled. "Alright but be quiet, I don't need Grace all over me for letting you leave." Tails nodded as they made their way for the door. Sonic opened it up and looked down the hall. "Okay, let's go." They made their way down the hall and out the back. The fox was still in his little hospital gown. His two tails still happily swishing behind him. "Where are we going Sonic?" Sonic smiled opening the door to an R.V. parked right next the door of the hospital. "Wha-?" Tails said confused. "I bought it yesterday when we brought you to the hospital. Its ours." Sonic said grabbing the foxs hand and hoisting him in. "With the money from working I thought I would buy it!" He shut the door and picked the fox up so he was resting on his hips. "We can see the world! Sleep underneath the stars! Travel the seven seas even!" Sonic looked into the foxs eyes. Those deep blue eyes. The eyes of an angel. An angel that was his. Tails smiled. "I would love that Sonic. I want to be with you till the sun dies, till time stills, till the world crumbles." Sonic kissed the fox. Tails pushed, deepening the kiss. A dream come true. A kiss that expressed that love was not a word that could describe this. Sonic pulled away slowly. "Tails, I've looked in the dictionary and love has this strange definition. A strong affection towards someone or something is what it said....but....not even the best scholars could write what my love for you was. So I did." Sonic pulled out a dictionary. He flipped to a page. Love across the top was printed. Someone had painted the whole page in white out and wrote over it. "Whats this?" Tails said taking the book. Sonic grinned. "Read." Tails read.


Some say it has borders, some say its a fairytale, some may even say its a hoax....but my fox let me tell you what love is.
Love is waking up to you beside me and knowing that you are mine.
Love is playing a game and being okay with loosing because you mean everything to me.
Love is looking at you and not being able to stop smiling.
Love is being able to hold you close and never wanting to let you go.
Love is what may have led me to you, but now its transformed into something that not even the word love can satisfy. I've been thinking about you, thinking about me, thinking about us. What we are gonna be. I want to be with you my love till the sun dies.
I love you Miles Tails Prower. I would not want it any other way.

Tails looked up tears in his eyes. "Sonic...." He said dropping the book and kissing the hedgehog. This one just as good as the first. Sonic could feel the love exchanged from lip to lip. It was like a wave of heat had ran over his body. Like the sun had licked his skin. Tails pulled back. "I know the first place I want to go." Tails said smiling. "Where is that?" Sonic said lovingly. Tails moved to the other end if the R.V. opening a door. "How bout the bedroom?" Tails said throwing his hospital gown at the hedgehog and laughing before disappearing behind the bedroom door. Sonic got up smiling lustfully before following suit....

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