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Tails was stunned. Did Sonic even know that his mom had been here for the past couple weeks? He probably didn't. "This is all my fault." Tails said under his breath. "If Sonic had been less focused on me she would never had been kidnapped...." Tails wanted to ask the hedgehog so many questions but instead just decided on one. "What's your name?" Tails said smiling. The hedgehog looked up and smiled. "My name is Villeta. Thanks for asking." Tails smiled. "Alright miss Villeta, let's see if I can figure out a way for us to get out of hear...." Tails searched the room with his eyes. "You won't find anything, I've tried breaking out of hear many times." The hedgehog said sadly. Tails felt horrible and guilty. "I'm getting you out of here." Dinner would be given to them in a few minutes. If Tails was right. He thought he might as well talk to the hedgehog till that time came. Tails sat down. "So how did they catch you?" The violet hedgehog looked over and frowned.

"I was waiting for Sonic to get home from his graduation partying. I had felt like we had been being watched so I told him we were going to move. When he didn't return that night I got frightened. I was going to call the authority's but that's when someone knocked on my door." She look frustrated and mad. "If I hadn't opened that damn door." She continued. "I opened the door and that's when something connected to my face. A bat? A fist? Not completely sure. Next thing you know I'm in the trunck of a vehicle heading over the border." Tails looked at Sonic's mom. He felt so bad. If Sonic had been there to protect his mom, none if this would have happened. Tails was about to say something when the door clicked to the cell. Dinner. Tails had a devious plan. Now to see if it would work. He quickly got behind the door. A soldier came in holding two platters. "Dinner is served you two---." Tails slammed the door into the soldiers face, knocking him unconscious. He looked at the soldier and back at Villeta. She had a stunned look on her face. "Villeta come here." Tails began taking the soldiers clothes off until he was just in his briefs. "Villeta put these on." She gave a disgusted face. "You want to get out of here don't you?" Tails said with wide eyes. Tails looked out the door as Villeta got changed into the baggy clothes. She came over. "What about you.....uh." "Name is Tails, remember?" He said smiling. "I'll be fine, you just need to worry about getting back to your son." Villeta smiled and gave Tails a huge hug. "Thank you." Tails was taken by suprise but hugged back. "Villeta I need you to tell your son something for me..." She nodded confusingly. "Tell him his lover will be fine." She looked at him confused. He just smiled. "Okay, you need to go. Take the path around back....I noticed it on my way here. Not many guards guard that area." She nodded with confidence. "I'll see you around.... Tails." Tails smiled. "I have a feeling we will see each other sooner than you realize." Tails lightly pushed the hedgehog out. "Now go. Keep your head down." Tails watched as the purply hedghog ran off. Tails thought of what he would do from here. He had a debt to pay. Eggman. He was going to confront that Egghead. Yah he would probably be killed, or thrown back into a cell but he didn't care. He was going to settle this once and for all. He closed the cell behind him, leaving the soldier inside. He looked around. The hot warm air breeze blowing through the tent. He looked around for any sign of where to go from here. He noticed a little brick building to the right of the tent. He read the sign.


Tails smiled. He was going to do something. He was going to make sure all hell broke loose on this camp....

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