Little Town of Berkishire

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Sonic felt as the sun beat upon his blue skin. He wiped the sweet off his face and took the last swig out of his water bottle. He threw the bottle on the ground. He made his way up the Sandy hill and looked over. The town was in view. Only maybe another mile or less. Give or take it wasn't his eyes playing tricks on him. He walked over the hill towards the town. He noticed a little sign sticking out of the sand. He bent down over it and wiped the sand and dirt off. "Huh, Berkishire." Sonic smiled. "Well welcome to Berkishire then." He continued walking. The occasional dead twig trees and broken wagons scattering the landscape. He observed the little town. It grew bigger the closer he got. It was large but much smaller then a town across the border. It seemed like there couldn't be any water in the middle if this hot scorching grassland. "Hell it's not even a grassland, it's more like desert." Sonic reached up at the huge wooden gate that separated the town from the outside desert. He looked around for any sign of an entry way. The gates suddenly opened. The town being revealed. It was crazy. The whole town was like another world. Grass was actually growing in the ground, trees towered around bearing coconuts. It was like they had an endless supply of water. He looked around......water. he noticed just down the road a fountain, water shooting out of it. He ran over and began gulping the suprisingly cold water. The town people looked at him with confused eyes. They had never seen an outsider before. Sonic looked as the town people began to gather around the hedgehog. Most wispered, others pointed. Sonic felt very uncomfortable and moved away from the crowd. He walked over to a woman at her store front. "Hey ma'am can I ask you a---." "Take what you want and leave my family alone!" The woman yelled. Sonic looked at her confused. What was going on? He removed himself from the situation and decided to go to another store front across. "Sir have you seen a yellow fox anywhere?" The man opened his eyes wide and stuttered. Frightened by the sight before him. "Uh....yah he uh h-he was dragged away by you hours ago remember?" Sonic furrowed his eyebrows. "Who do you think I am?" Sonic asked confused. The man began to sweat. "Uh er " he looked like he was trying to remember something. "Admiral Metal Sonic, ruler of um....uh." Sonic put his hand up. "Wait a minute." The man looked like he was about to cry. "please don't hurt me!" Sonic looked at the man. "I'm not metal Sonic. My name is just Sonic. I'm from across the border." The man looked at Sonic confused. "How is that possible? We thought there has only been one Sonic." The man got up slowly. He had a look of confusion and distress. Sonic laughed. "That bucket of metal bolts was made after me. Not before. I came first." The mans mood changed from confused to relieved. "Oh good! We have only heard rumors of your existence!" "What?" Sonic said confused. "There is a lot we need to talk about." Sonic watched as the man went and grabbed a piece of paper. "Here a number." The man handed the paper to Sonic. Sonic took it confused. "Uh thanks." The man smiled. "Did you see where they took him?" Sonic said stuffing the paper into his pocket. The man pointed. "They took him to the base camp." "Alright." Sonic began walking that way. "Uh were are you going?" The man yelled. "To get him back!" Sonic said shouting back. The man shook his head. "There is no way you would even be able to get close to that base without them either killing you or taking you as prisoner." Sonic smirked. "They have to catch me first!" Sonic turned around and began walking that way. He bumbed into something red. "Oops sorry." Sonic said continueing to walk. The red echidna nodded.

The red Echidna got his phone out, he typed a number. "Yes, Shadow this is knuckles........he is here."

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