The Dinner

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Everyone began walking off the bus. "Sonic." Tails said lightly shaking the sleeping hedgehog. He looked beautiful when he slept, Tails kinda felt bad for waking him. "Wha--." Sonic said rubbing his eyes. "We are at the restaurant for dinner." Tails said smiling. Sonic thought for a second and smiled. "Right, almost forgot." He stood up and they both followed the line off the bus. This was their day to celebrate and they planned on doing just that. When they got off the bus Amy came running over. "Hey Sonic! You want to sit with me and the girls?" Sonic had a look of displeasure on his face. "Uh I thought I would sit next to Tails." This made Amy frown and wisper something to her friends. They laughed and continued on walking into the restaurant. Sonic and Tails walked side by side before reaching the door. "Age before buety.' Tails said bowing his hand and smiling. Sonic laughed "If he only knew." Sonic walked in with Tails on his heels. The place was bustling with waiters and the smell of food aromanated the place making the two hungry. They found a booth towards the back of the restaurant kinda out of the view of the rest of the tables. They sat down and a waiter came by. "Hello my name is Wendy I'll be your waiter for the evening." She took a pad of paper out and looked at the two waiting for them to make a decision. "Uh I'd like a unsweet iced tea please." She wrote it down and looked at Sonic. "I'll just have a Coke." He said. She nodded and walked off after putting the menus down. Sonic took one while Tails took the other. They both observed the menus. Tails put his menu down right away already deciding his order. "You already found something you want?" Sonic said not even looking through a quarter of the menu. "I saw chilidog and I was sold." Tails said putting his hands up jokingly. Sonic laughed. "Didn't know they had that on the made up my mind, I'm gonna get a chilidog ." Sonic put his menu down and looked at Tails smirking, which made Tails blush. "So what are your plans after today?" Tails asked starting up conversation. "Not sure, wherever the wind takes me I guess." Tails admired that about Sonic. He could be so calm and layed back at any corner no matter the situation. "What about you?" Sonic asked putting Tails on the spot. "Uh well----." The waiter came back with her pad of paper and the drinks. "We are both just going to take the chilidog." Sonic said smiling. "Please and thank you." Tails said adding in. She nodded and walked off. Tails noticed Sonic staring at him. He looked at the hedgehog and smiled. Sonic blushed. "Sorry was just admiring the view." Sonic noticed what he said and blushed even harder. Tails blushed at the comment. "At least there is something that looks good here." He snapped his fingers back and forth like a sassy person. He laughed which made Sonic laugh. "I plan on being a pilot or mechanic by the way; to answer your question from earlier." Tails watched as the waiter came and sat the food down. The two chilidogs were steaming hot. "Thanks!" Tails said smiling towards the waiter she smiled and walked off. He looked at the chilidog in front of him and decided to let it cool off. Sonic had already took a bite and spit it out quickly. "It's hot." He said drinking some coke. Tails laughed and noticed some sauce on Sonic's face. "Oh. Oops." Tails said grabbing a napkin. He reached over the table which startled Sonic and he began wiping off the sauce. "You are one messy eater." He said laughing. Sonic looked into Tails's eyes and Tails noticed and did the same. It seemed a lifetime before Tails finnaly said  "I think the food is cool now." He sat back down blushing a dark crimson color. Sonic doing the same. They began eating their food. Sonic finished quickly Tails just a few minutes behind. "Alright guys!" One of the teachers yelled. "Moving out!" Everybody started moving out of the restaurant. Sonic got up and waited for Tails. Tails pulled out his wallet and set a twenty on the table, thinking no one was looking. He got up and began walking putting his wallet away. "Wow that waiter must of been quite nice." Sonic said smiling. Tails blushed. "Actually she was pregnant and I'm sure she doesn't make a whole lot of money here so I thought I'd give her a bigger tip then usual." Tails looked down embarrassed. Sonic's heart melted at Tails's kindess and strong observations. He didn't even know the woman was pregnant. "Don't be embarrassed about it that was really sweet and kind of you." Sonic grabbed Tails's hand and began running out. "We better catch up to the others." Tails blushed at the sudden interaction and followed. They got back on the bus sitting in their original seats. "We are going skating next so be prepared!" The teacher said yelling to the back of the bus. Tails smiled. "I love skating!" Sonic looked at Tails. "I've never skated before so I wouldn't know." Tails looked horrified at the accusation. "Well then I'll have to teach you!" Tails said smiling. "Trust me it's something you don't want to miss out on!" Sonic nodded. "Sounds like a plan." Tails smiled and looked out the window. Watching the cars go by. "Today has been a good day." he thought. "A very good day."

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