No Father of Mine

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Tails looked at the sun overhead. It had been nearly three hours since the phone call. He had one last conversation with Cream and that cat named Blaze. Blazed had pulled him aside before leaving. Saying that there was a chaos emerald of some sort that she needed, in trade, she offered him two million Mobian dollars. That was a lot of money. He knew that. It would keep him and Sonic happy for the rest of their lives! He agreed unsure what this emerald was capable of. He kept walking towards the building in the distance. Where Sonic was being held. Tails didn't have a plan. He did have love though, and that is what guided him. Love. He still had possibly a 20-minute walk to the outpost. It's black sleek building scraping the clouds. You could see this building for miles. It jutted out of the landscape, a building that should have been in an alien movie. Tails walked on, the sun beating against his fur. He watched as the sandy ground blew little tornadoes of sand. Life couldn't survive out here, at least not without help. Tails came up close to the building. Guards standing at every inch of it. The guards gave him a dirty look before one said something to him directly. "Eggman has been expecting you." They moved to reveal a path directly towards the door of the building. He walked past the guards. They slowly followed behind, making sure the fox wasn't up to any tricks. He pushed the doors open, revealing the inside of the building. A woman sat at a desk, an elevator behind her. "Name?" She asked coldly. "Tails." She reached for her phone and called someone. "Yes.....Tails.....yes okay sir." She put the phone down. "He is on the eighth floor." She went back to writing something. Tails walked towards the elevator. It opened slowly, the guards still followed close behind in a stalking manner. Tails made his way into the metal box. Pressing the eighth floor. The guards shimmied their way in before the doors closed. No elevator music sounded. Tails didn't know what he was doing. He had no actual plan but he didn't need one. As long as his blue hedgehog was safe that's all that mattered. The elevator dinged, expressing that they had reached their destination. The metal doors opened slowly revealing a dark room with screens. A man stood alone in the room. The walls were covered in maps and the floor had been recently shined for the occasion. Tails could vaguely make out things on the screen. Something green and shining and the others were what seemed to be like a spaceship. He walked towards the man but the guards stopped him. "Let him be," Eggman said his back still turned. The guards laid their hands off the fox. "You may leave now." The guards nodded and walked back to the elevator, walking in the way they had just came out. Tails observed the scenery, Eggman was a busy man. "Hello...Son." Tails really didn't want to talk to Eggman, the last person on this godforsaken planet. "Where is Sonic, and I'm not your son." Tails said abruptly. "All in good time fox." Eggman said chuckling. "First you are going to help me." Tails was dumbfounded. "Why the hell would I help you!?" Tails said angrily. Eggman turned around to face the fox, a smirk spread from ear to ear. "Because if you don't, then you can say goodbye to your little lover." Eggman presses a switch. One of the screens Came on, a blue figure sitting on the edge of a bed. "Sonic!" Tails said. "Don't worry, he can't hear you." Eggman replied. Tails looked at his beloved companion. The one he loved so much. "If you want to see Sonic again I ask for one simple me build this nuclear weapon, and in turn I'll leave him and you both alone." Tails knew Eggman to well to know that this deal was only so truthful. He looked at the screen again. He could at least keep Sonic safe. He had too. Tails sighed. "Eggman, if you promise to let me see him for five minutes and let him go....then you have yourself a deal." Eggman smiled and held out his hand. Tails was going to help create the one weapon that would destroy millions of lives. He would be held responsible, that's when Tails decided that death was a better option. After Sonic was released he would refuse to help and, if he was lucky, he would just be thrown into a cell. Tails knew that wasn't how Eggman worked though. Eggman would torture him first before sentencing him to death. Something Tails preferred more than being responsible for the death of millions. Eggman already had the death of millions on his bloody hands, and Tails wasn't going to be like Eggman. Tails took Eggman's hand. A deal that would cost him his life, a deal that could destroy millions of lives. Eggman released his hand and walked over to a table. He grabbed a key and gestured for the fox to follow. Tails followed the murderer. Eggman went to the side and unlocked a door that Tails had somehow missed during his inspection of the place. The door opened revealing a long corridor of doors on the left and right sides. Eggman walked down the hall to a door at the very end. "This is where Sonic is being held, five minutes as promised." He unlocked the door. Tails got teary eyed before walking in, the door closing behind him, the only way out, and the only way in.

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