Endings and New Beginings

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(Thanks everyone for reading I hope you enjoyed!)

Sonic sat done in the sand. The sun resting its head on the clear blue water. He felt his companion sit next to him. Their hands intertwining. "Tails, remember this place?" Sonic said staring at the horizon. "Yah I do." Tails said smiling. "This is where you took me after you first found me beaten up by those kids..." Sonic smiled, proud of Tails's memory. "Sure is, was the first time I realized I was going to be there for you no matter what..." Two birds flapped their wings in the distance, each one swooping next to the other. Tails rested his head on the hedgehog's shoulder. "What are we going to do from here on out?" Tails asked. Sonic smiled. "Well, where do you want to go?" Sonic asked wrapping one of his arms around the fox while still holding his hand. "Wherever the wind takes us..." Tails said grinning. They watched as the water glistened and sparkled. The smell of the sea blowing in their faces. The white crested tops of the waves splashed down into the water, repeatedly like a recording. "Wherever the wind takes us..." Sonic repeated. "You know Sonic the world may hate what we are, but I don't care. I know you are the one I want to grow old with, to be the one to comfort and love, to be the one when I look back on my life I realize that all I ever needed was right in front of me the whole time." Sonic rubbed the fox's shoulder. "Couldn't say it any better myself Tails." Sonic and Tails knew they had a long journey ahead. They still had To find Eggman and take care of the mess he left in his wake. They knew it wasn't going to be easy, heck, nothing ever was. Yet, in the minds of these two lovers, it was all but simplified into a few things. Love, Compassion, and Hope. They knew they could accomplish anything with these. For years to come when people looked back unto this story of these star-crossed lovers they will realize it was more than just love. It was friendship, it was hope in a better future, it was realizing that even know you can't prevent the bad from happening...you sure as hell can try. Tails and Sonic knew they would make it. How? You may ask. Well, they knew because they had each other....and that's all they would ever need.

"If you want to see change...you must be the change. Remember a person who sits around and complains accomplishes nothing but the person who gets up and does something about it, always accomplishes something..."

(Just want to say thanks to everyone for reading and commenting on this story! I hope you enjoyed! I loved going on this journey with all of you and I hope you did as well! Remember where one story ends...a new one begins. ;).   )

Peace ✌

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